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extended summary

The Crow family were never known for good fortune, even before the world went to absolute shit. A trail of poor decisions had always pushed them to some sort of hole, whether it be six-feet-deep or not. Gwen Crow had accepted this. After her father wilted himself into an early grave, she was left to pick up what he never started. Raising his child, her brother, and keeping the dead man's diner afloat. Money wasn't luxury and time wasn't enjoyed thoroughly.

Life was a wicked thing. Cruel. This became overwhelmingly apparent when a large scale disease decides to knock on Gwen's doorstep. Fucking hell, couldn't a woman get a break?


emmy rossum AS gwen crow
✞the firecracker✞

emmy rossum AS  gwen crow✞the firecracker✞

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tom holland AS ben crow
✞the light✞

DISCLAIMERand warning↠↠↠↠↠↠↠AMC's The Walking Dead isn't owned by me, not any plots and characters affiliated with the show

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and warning
AMC's The Walking Dead isn't owned by me, not any plots and characters affiliated with the show. I do, however, own The Crows' plot lines and characters. Along with, loosely, any changes I make to the show.

As the author, I would like the warn you that The Crows will have gore, violent themes, strong language and security undertones. Reader discretion. (I feel like a fucking loser typing this lmao)

oh my Lord chicklens. This book has been in the making for like... 8980 years. The characters have changed in planning vastly- maybe one day I'll share how haha. I know the walking dead has literally died out and most likely the fandom as well. So idk if anyone will read this, but I sure hope so!!!! Enjoy!!

the crows ✞ the walking dead ✞ shane walshWhere stories live. Discover now