Chapter 11

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"A-Alex I-i-i thought you gone?"
"I-i know I'm sorry, although I do have a reason..."
"Then what it?"
"So after a few weeks in the basement I started getting weak, that's why I stayed quiet. I though it might of...of had something to do with you and the fact that you were underfed and that it was affecting me but one night when you were asleep I couldn't close me eyes, it hurt to much to close them. I then started to notice that I was starting to fade I-i didn't know what to do I didn't want to lose you..., I know I might seem like a horny dick sometimes but I-I-I love you...your me...and I'm you, you've always been my best friend...and you still are. So when I saw myself fading I knew I had to do something and it had to be quick, i stored myself at the back of your mind where nobody could find me, I didn't know how to get out I was stuck. All the memories at the back of your mind where just making it worse for me, they were of when we were children and we used to have arguments over nothing, and also how I used to tease all of your friends wolves and I would get told of by mothers wolf but I would secretly get a pat of the back by fathers wolf. There was al-also..."

He stared to cry, I was shocked, I had never seen him cry before it was always me. He was supposed to be the strong and straightforward one where as I have always been the crybaby of the family.

" al-also at the back of your mind the m-me-memory of mo-mother a-a-an-and fa-fathers m-murder was the-their. It just ke-kept repeating o-ov-o-over and o-over again. It was torture...."

That's when I realised why he was crying. I never brought that memory up very often it was very horrific and it shouldn't have been something I should have seen, although I can't change the past. I always stuffed the memory to the back of my mind ,and when I would suddenly remember it I would sit on the bed and fan my eyes while repeating 'don't cry' it usually lasted around 10 minutes because I would just forget what I was crying for and it would go, once again,to the back of my mind. But the thought of him bringing it up brought tears to my eyes too.

"Then...h...-how did you e-e-escape?"

"While just s-siting on the floor in the back our m-mind, I started wondering how to g-get o-out.
T-that's when I re-remembered that w-witch th-th-that one t-that ca-came vi-visiting the city a few y-years ago. We begged mother to g-go and see her..."
" I remember yeah..."
" well she said something strange, he-her exact words were. 'When the time comes and you feel the pain, your love will save you.' At the exact moment I though about I-it I felt a pain in my ch-chest, m-more specifically in my h-heart. I then started thinking about h-how I would never see you again and h-how I never got to s-say sorry for s-some of the things I said, and then... I could feel myself falling. So I closed my eyes ready to go when I could suddenly see a man with dark, raven hair carrying you and then you fell asleep and that's where you are now."
" I see, thank you for everything, also never say sorry for anything because the best thing is that... I made the most memorable and the most beautiful memory's with you ,despite the arguments we know we could never be mad at each other for long. I know that we are nothing alike nor do we look anything like each other but no matter what your always going to be part of my family... I love you so much!"

I hugged him tightly to my chest and I rapped both my arms around him as he rapped his around me.

"I never want you to leave me again Alex... never"

" I promise I won't, I love you to much, anyway we need to stop being emotional and you need to tell me everything that I have missed in the last few years! Okay..."

He instantly stopped hugging me, and instead had placed both of his hands firmly on my shoulder.

" Of course, and I won't forget even one single detail."

That night I told him about everything, the constant abuse,
my feelings,emotions and finally my lover.

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