🌷The innocent eyes of my killer🌷 ( kuro!kaneki x reader)

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What's the point of being in this humidity? I can't believe my thighs are sticking to this bench waiting for this Baka! It's 7:30 pm.... where is he?

I was growing rather irritated with one of my childhood friends, kaneki ken. He's missed about a week of university and asked me to print his some of my notes, I would not have agreed if I knew I would be waiting this long! We agreed to meet at 6 on the dot, he wouldn't answer my calls or text either. I put my petty anger to the side and decided to walk to his residence. I groaned as my thighs felt that familiar unsticking pain from the bench.

   It was a good 20 minutes walk. I should've taken the bus. I don't like taking the bus though, too many weirdos  on there that are trying to cop a quick feel. I accepted the hotness and kept walking. I could smell my own sweat as I inched closer to the apartment. Oh well, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything... well, I wish he was. I mentally slapped myself thinking of this, he's like a brother. A very cute and shy brother. Stop it, (y/n).

Finally, I reached his door and knocked softly. He has good hearing so there was no need to be loud. I wait and wait, no answer. Maybe he's sleeping? I knocked harder, but this was a fail. My attempt to understand just quickly let my mind as I looked under his Mat and found his space key. I aggressively open the door and called out his name. I gasped at the disgusting mess around the apartment. There were even knives on the floor, what was he trying to do? I rolled my eyes and continued to look for him.

His home want that big, so it took me no time to sweep through it. But I failed to find him. I gave up and wiped my eyes, they burned from the fumes of some of the food splatterd everywhere. I locked his door back and threw the key under the mat. I sighed as I walked down the stairs.

What if he had just left when I came here? What if he's waiting for me? No, I would've seen him on my way here, there's really only one safe route, the alleyways are famous for their blood paintings, he'd be too scared to go down there

Thinking this, i just threw the notes in a nearby trash bin. I'll just reprint them, they were full of the sweat of my hands anyway. I stopped when I heard the faint noise of growling. My heart stopped, ghouls we're around. Before I could think of running home, I felt a pair of hands pull me back into an alleyway. I was swung agains some trash bins, I saw another girl about my agar slumped over. Apparently one wasn't enough. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed that I wouldn't be killed.

I heard them talking as one of them trailed up my thigh with their long, dirty nailes. I internally screamed and but chose to act strong. As I thought this, that thought completely went hiatus when the rugged ghoul bit into my calf, I grubbed the ground so hard that one of my nails broke.

" you must be athletic, this is the juiciest and most toned out leg I've ever bitten into. I found my treat " he laughed as he saw my red beat face trying to hold back the tears. That's when I saw a red looking tentacle go through his neck, it retracted quickly as the man fell over. I gasped and put my hand over my open wound. I look up and almost passed out at the sight.

" k-k-kaneki....?" I managed to say between gritted teeth. The pain was horrible, but I was more focused on the red and black eyeball glaring at me with pure hunger. Drool dropped down his chin and veins poked around his eye.  I was scared to look away, but I was also scared to keep staring. After a few seconds of this, he quickly grabbed my foot and drug me to him. I screamed at him to let me go, no vail. He picked up my body like I was nothing, he brushed against my neck as he sunk his teeth into me. I screamed a blood curling scream, and cried like I never have before. Being human, I'm frail and weak.

I knew I was dying, after he felt the satisfaction, he ripped up most of the right side of my neck. I took in a deep breath of air before he dropped my paralyzed body. He just coverd his mouth and backed into the brick wall. I saw the tears. I heard another male voice talking. He sounded familiar. As my mind began to wonder and my eyes felt heavy, the last thing I ever saw again, were his once beautiful, innocent eyes.

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors! But if you read this, thank you for choosing my story to read. I know it's my first one, but I'll try to make as many chapters as I can! I do accept requests:)

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