🍁where the wild red flowers bloom 🍁 ( Arima x child! reader) pt.1

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    I can remember it clear as day, the day the CCG reaper rescued me from arson. Ghouls had set my old apartment complex on fire, it was during a raid. My parents parished in the burning blitz, I watched their skin whiter and melt before my eyes. The thick, black smoke invaded me, my lungs throbbed and my throat pleaded for mercy. The last thing I remember was a man with white hair picking me up.

I sat up in a hospital room, many sticky things were attached to my frail body, my (h/l), (h/c) hair smelled of smoke and soot. I quickly looked around for my parents, only to realize my parents were gone, never to come back. I felt the prickling in my eyes and covered my face. I quietly sobbed into my hands.

" Crying won't bring them back , ( y/n) . All you can do for them, is to remember and cherish what you had with them" said the man with white hair, I quickly looked at him. How did he get in here so quietly? I just kept looking at him with beedy eyes, does he not feel emotion? His face is blank, and how does he know my name....?

After a long week in the hospital, I got discharged. Only I wouldn't be going to my home. I would be going to an orphanage ran by an old man. My throat became dry thinking about it, I didnt want to go with a stranger to a home. I wanted my home. At least Arima was the one to escort me there, even though he's quiet and weird, I've grown a connection with him. He told me stories of his quinque and how he got it. He checked up on me in the hospital. It was probably because he feels pity for me, but I'm didn't mind.

As we arrived at the orphanage, children were playing outside, but they didn't look happy. Why weren't they happy? I had this gut twisting feeling. " Arima-kun... I don't feel like this place is-" I was quickly cut off by the door being opened by an older man. He looked at me with snake eyes, only for them to soften when he greeted Arima.

After their chst, Arima knelt down in front of me, he put his hand on my head , he gave a sly smile. " Now you be good, (y/n). Don't give up hope, someone is bound to adopt you" as I said thst, he left me. Alone, and scared.

I placed my belongings in my designated room, I shared a room with three girls; Mina , ashaya, and lainy. They were all very kind twords me. Mina and Lainey made me a " welcome " card. It made my dull heart smile. That smile quickly vanished as I heard the old man's voice behind me " you sure are plump (y/n), you won't have any trouble eating now would you?" I felt chills run down my spine. As he left, my new found friends escorted me to the mess hall where the food was.

Not many kids were here apparently, he only orphaned about 30 children. All ranging in shape , gender, and size. Everything was so.... Dull and grey though. A murderous atmosphere was clouding everything. I sat besides Lainey and Ash, and sat across from Mina. A group of boys sat by us. One of them turned to me " don't get caught out of bed after curfew.... Kids never make it back" he said. He had black hair with dazzling blue eyes. I just looked at him. Mina clonked him on the head " ah Samuel! This is her first day! Don't go scaring her like you scare everyone else you doink!" After all that, we laughed.

_________________ 5 months later_______

I'm beyond mad. Arima had never came to visit me. Not once, not even to check up on me! It made me sizzle. He never did say he would visit, but still that's besides the point. A lot has happened within this time. Ash and Lainey got adopted together. And 4 other children as well. It's amazing how fast the orphanage manages adoptions! So it's just me and Samuel scooting around, playing house and painting. He's only a year older than me, he's 7.

Samuel and I were playing outside when three black vehicles pull up. We looked at each other a man with whiteish black hair jumped out of one. He looked oddly familiar, he kinda looked like my neighbor that would bring me picture books. I hitched a breath when a woman came and dragged us off the property. The whole building stared to smoke out and krackles could be heard. Many kids and CCG were inside, but my instincts kicked in and I managed to leap into the building.... Only to be met with a good awful sight.....

Hello peeps! Ugh I've been so inactive , just some bizz is going on,but I'll try to be better! This oneshot is kinda crappy lol. But thank you for your patience !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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