Free yourself

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First and foremost I would like you to watch the film first then read the poem cause the film is longer than the poem and it explains what depression is.

feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"

I thought life was supposed to be worth it
But so far it has hurt me
But ever since the day of my birth
Sixteen years on this earth
I just wanted to free myself, because everything hurts
I thought forgetting the pain might help
I say I hate my life in a blurt
Free yourself I hear in my head
Depression anxiety anger takes over instead
My mind is dead
Therefore nothing is in my head
Take your life is all I hear
Free yourself roaming through my ears
You are alone is in my mind
Nobody is coming to save you this time
Parents don't care they say you're dramatic
They might even think you're symptomatic
They don't know you've cried yourself to sleep
Or sometimes you don't even eat
They chosen people over you
But all I want you to know is you are not alone, but all you got is you
- my poem

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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