Chapter 6

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Kaoru P.O.V
- This is Sasuke, arrived at point B.

- This is Sakura, arrived at point C.

- Kaoru, point D.




- This is Naruto, arrived at point A.

- You're slow, Naruto. Okay, team 7...the target has moved. – dad said.

I sighed...this is stupid.

- Okay, he's there. – Naruto stated.

No kidding.

- What's the distance to the target? – dad asked.

- 5 meters. I'm ready to go. – Naruto said.

- Me too. – Sasuke said.

- Me too. – Sakura said.



- Kaoru? – dad asked.

- Huh? Oh yeah yeah me too. – I said bored.

- Ok.......Go! – dad said.

They sped to the cat while I walked.
Naruto got the cat...good for him.

- Does it have a ribbon on its right ear? Is it our target Tora? – dad asked while Naruto was being scratched by the cat.

- It's our target for sure. – Sasuke stated.

I sighed...this mission is stupid.
The cat stopped scratching Naruto and jumped into my arms and started to purr which made me smile slightly so I started petting him.

- Okay. "Operation Capture Tora the Lost Cat" is complete. – dad announced.

Sakura was now glaring at me...again.

- Need something, pinkie? – I asked her coldly.

- How can the cat like a cold person like you?! – Sakura said coming towards me.

- Maybe because I'm not stupid, useless fangirl. – I said coldly.

- What did you say?! – she asked coming even near me which made the cat hiss.

- Not even the cat likes you, pinkie. Now...get out of my way. – I said coldly.

She glared at me but did what I said.
I was now next to Sasuke and we were going towards dad.


I fell on the floor completely dizzy.

- Eh?! KAORU-CHAN!!! – Naruto screamed again.

I'm so dizzy....

- Baka! Stop screaming! – Sasuke said.

- T-Teme! – Naruto said.

- Are you okay? – Sasuke asked while helping me up with Tora still on my arms.

- Y-Yeah...wait.... – I said and fell on my ass.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

- M-Maybe not. – I said embarrassed and dizzy.

- Gomen Kaoru-chan. – Naruto said.

- I-It's okay. – I said.

Sasuke took the cat from me and gave it to Naruto so Sasuke would help me walk until I felt better.
I could feel Sakura throwing daggers at me with her eyes.
I sighed.

Hatake Kaoru - The Copy Cat Ninja Daughter (Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now