12// A Date???

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I only had 1 more day left before I go back to Loco's and I want to do something before then but I don't know what

I was in kitchen making me a sandwich when Jessica walked in

"Hey Kim."

"Hey Jessica..."

"...you ok?" She said looking at me with a worried expression on her face

"Yeah I'm just bored out of my mind" I said put the knife I cut the bread with in the sink

She chuckled

"Don't worry you won't be bored when you go back to Loco..I'm sure he have plenty in store for you when you get back" She said smiling at me

"I might just end up killing him-"

"I know I saw you search up 'how to get away with murder'." Jessica said with a grin

"Just don't let him get to you so much..he just want attention. You be okay Kim." She said walking away

I signed grabbing my drink off the counter and taking a sip of it a few seconds later I heard my phone beep

I grabbed my phone that was nearby me and looked at the notification

//New message from xxx-xxx-xxx//


//Message xxx-xxx-xxx//

"Hey Kim."

"...Who is this?"

"It's James. Jessica friend, we meet at the cafe."

I had to think for a minute about what he was talking about

"Oh! James. Sorry I forgot I gave you my number lol"
"So, what's up?"

"Well I have an extra movie ticket with me since my friend couldn't come..I was wondering do you want to go with me?"

"Are you asking me out???"

"Lmao I can't ask a friend to go to the movies with me?"
"...if I said it was a date would you go with me?"

(Hell yeah who wouldn't)

"I didn't say you couldn't ask me but yeah I go with you to the movies..."

"Aye ok I pick you up at 8 😘"

"...well I guess I'mma do something after all. Let me go fix myself up b/c right know I look like a homeless people..."

||Skipped Time||

It was just after 8. I finished with everything else expect my hair

While I was dealing with my hair I heard the door bell ring. Jessica was downstairs so she went to the door and opened it

"James? What are you doing here?"

"Shit he's here!" I said

I finally gave up and decided to put my hair in a puff and walked out my room closing the door behind me

I walked downstairs to find Jessica and James talking. Jessica turned to me giving me a thumbs up

"You look beautiful Kim" he said looking at me up and down

I had on a simple outfit but the compliment made me smile

"You ready?" he said holding out his arm

"Yeah" I said wrapping my arms around his

Jessica walked us out. She was still standing on the porch

"Bring her back by 11, you kids better not be doing anything bad...if you lay a finger on her I swear you want be able to use them for a month" she said shouting

"What are you her mother?" James said

I smiled

(They must have an amazing friendship)

It was about a 10 minute drive but we made it to the movies theater

We paid for our ticket and went inside. I sat on a nearby bench while James went to get some snacks and beverages

I was looking around observing stuff when my eye landing on someone

(Is that who I think it is...no it can't be...)

The person was too far away for me to be able to see his face clearly

It looked like he was looking at me but I wasn't sure

Loco's P.O.V.

I went to the movies theater with two good friends of mines and some girls I meet at the club the other night

One of my friends went to go get some popcorn and other stuff for us which leaves me my other friend and the girls behind

One of the girls was talking to me but I wasn't paying any attention to her...I just wish she get out of my face

I noticed a girl that was sitting on a bench staring at me

She looked familiar but I couldn't see her face that good

I was moving closer so I could have a closer look at her but before I could she her clearly a guy step in front of her

"Damn I could have sworn she looked like-"

"Yo! Loco let's go before we miss the movie."


I am a bad writer...like I just leave y'all hanging like this I'm sorry (~_~) PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!

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