Chapter 1

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After what happened in the maze some random people found us but things still didn't feel safe. i lost friends in the maze and I don't know if there safe. aris and I became friends when he first came up in the box. he was scared and confused but I helped him as much as I could but now that we're not in the maze he's been really quiet. he thinks the same. just because we have food and a place to sleep doesn't mean we are safe.

I was sleeping when a guard came in. i got up and went to take a shower. next I have to get shots and then I get to eat. I was walking when janson told me to follow him. there's this off feeling about him but I try too ignore it. he closed the door. I sat down, "we found more kids who were trapped like you and I want you to give them a nice warm welcome. they are a bit scared but I know you'll cheer them up." janson said, "but I don't even know them and I don't even try to talk too anybody." I said.

Janson gave me a pleading look. I know how angry he gets when someone doesn't follow the rules. one time i was sneaking in his office to see what he was up too but i didn't see anything because he saw me and cut the right side of my arm. he said it was an accident but I know it wasn't, "c'mon Y/N. it'll be fun!" he said cheerfully. sighed, "okay I'll do it." I said. he smiled and let me go to eat. I sit alone because aris likes to stay to himself. I sat not far from the group that janson was talking about. One with dirty blonde hair. he is cute though. as I was eating I noticed he never stopped looking at me. is there something on my face or do I look weird?. I look at him for a quick second but looked away.

Newt's POV

For some reason I just couldn't stop looking at her. thomas bumped my arm and I stopped looking at her, "so you mean there was a maze filled with girls and one guy got in!?" minho said. the guy nodded his head, "..were they hot?" minho asked hoping for a good response. I just rolled my eyes, "we don't know. we've only been here for a few days but see that guy over there." the guy pointed. we looked. he seems nice but looks like the quiet type, "and that girl over there. they've been here for a week. they are friends. talk about lucky." the guy said. I got up and walked over to her.


As I was sitting there. the dirty blonde haired boy was coming over. he sat on the other side and we made eye contact, "uh..hi I'm newt and those guys are my friends," he said shyly. his british accent is beautiful, "hi I'm Y/N. Janson wanted me to make you feel at home. I could show you around if you want," I offered. he was about to say something but he saw my arm, "are you okay? That looks like it hurts." he said worriedly. i pulled my sleeves down, "it's nothing I could when I got it the maze." i lied. somehow he could i was lying but he let it slide. I was gonna ask him something when I believe newt's friend was about to get into a fight. we stood up and newt ran over to him. i ran over to them, "guy's c'mon let's go." I said telling them to follow me. we walked far away so janson couldn't hear us, "listen you guys have to be careful. janson doesn't take it well when you don't follow what he says." i said making sure he's not around, "there doing something to my friend teresa and I wanna know what is going on." he said mad, "I'm sure there just doing some tests. they do take a long time." i said. he was really stressing out but one of his friends calmed him down, "he'll be fine. he's just going through a lot right now. we lost so many friends." newt sadly,

"I'm sorry but I know you're friends wouldn't want you to give up." I said reassuringly. newt smiled. there's something about him when he smiles that makes my heart race, "uh sorry I gotta go. it was nice talking to you newt." i said, "it was lovely talking to you as well." he said. I walked away.

Few hours later

I dried my hair and changed clothes.
the guard slammed the door and lucked the door. I claimed into bed dreaming about newt.
I woke up hearing a weird sound coming from under my bed. I quietly got up and saw aris, "aris what the hell are you doing!?" I said trying not to be loud, "c'mon I gotta show you something but first we need to get thomas." he whispered, "why?" i said confused, "just follow me." he said. going back in the vent. I followed him.

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