Yu-Gi-Oh: What If?

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The Pharaoh was lost in thought, worrying about the outcome of the duel between him and his opponent, Raphael. So far, Yami had failed to overcome the obstacles his opponent had set for him. He didn't know what else to do to win the duel... unless...

No, he couldn't. He wouldn't dare use that card, but the stone wrapped around his neck, as well as the very card staring at him, was convincing him to take the chance. To make him the victor in order to keep his title as 'The King of Games'.

"I'm out of options," the Pharaoh thought. "There's only one card in my hand that can free my dragon, so I can win the duel." The card was right there, staring at him, waiting for him, coaxing him to do what he must in order to win.

The voice of the card was playing in Yami's mind, like an image of a tiny demon appearing on his right shoulder. "What are you waiting for, Pharaoh? Do it, use my power to help you win this duel and defeat Raphael. I can save your dragon, help you win and take your opponent out... for good."

Yami's eyes widened at the sudden thought. The urge to play that card was strong, but not yet strong enough to make him use the card's incredible but dangerous power to help him out.

"I can make you unstoppable, powerful beyond your wildest dreams. You'll never have to worry about losing the duel. If you win with my power, nothing and no one will ever stand in your way. This is your chance to set things right and it would be such a shame to waste it."

The card was reeling him in, increasing its chance of getting Yami to use its power to prevent him from losing the duel. However, Yami had a sudden thought.

"This card is powerful but very dangerous." Yami thought. "Activating it would save my dragon and help me win... but... if I lose the duel without the Seal of Orichalcos in play... nothing would ever change. Yugi and I would be safe from harm and so will my opponent. No lives would be at stake. No souls would be taken."

The card, playing his mind, had second thoughts about Yami's hesitation. "No, wait. Please think about this. You are the King of Games and the King of Games NEVER loses a duel. Use my power to help you defeat him. Trust me, I can make you stronger than your opponent is. You can't throw away your talent like this! Not while you still have the chance to fight and win!"

Yami, allowing his mind to do the talking, shook off the card's words attempting to influence him. "There is no way I can win this duel unless I use the Seal of Orichalcos. Even if I tried to find another way to free my dragon, with De-Fusion in my hand, I would still lose the duel... but at least I get to keep my soul."

Yami closed his eyes and smiled, having made his choice and accepted his fate. He opened his eyes, with a serious look on his face, as his mind opened its mouth to speak once more.

"I know what I have to do now." His mind finished saying its piece, giving the Pharaoh the chance to speak to his opponent. "You want me to play this card, Raphael. You want me to take this chance to win the duel, if I believe I can win the duel, that is. Yes, that is exactly what I would do in order to win... if I was a fool."

His blond opponent was shocked at the Pharaoh's decision. "So, you're not going to use the Seal of Orichalcos to win?" Raphael spoke, unable to believe his ears.

Yami, on the other hand, was as cool as a cucumber. "No," he calmly replied. "I'm not going to take that chance. When in play, this card not only corrupts and strengthens the user and their monsters, but the monsters on the field become real, which would make sacrificing your monsters to win a duel a very selfish move."

"Plus, there's a 50/50 chance that the user could end up losing the duel as well as their soul. However, you get to keep your soul if the card is NOT in play. So I won't be falling into whatever trap you had in store for me, Raphael. I may lose the duel, but at least no one would lose their soul."

Raphael frowned at his futile attempt to turn Yami to the dark side. "So what are you going to do, Pharaoh?" 

Yami smiled, chuckling at the man's enquiry. "I know what I have to do. Raphael, you win."

Raphael, hearing those words, was knocked for six. He managed to regain his composure as soon as the duel ended, thanks to the Pharaoh's surrender. "Such a shame, you could have used the Seal to win the duel."

It was now the Pharaoh's turn to talk. "Even if I did win the duel with this card in play, it would be very difficult for me to get out of the habit of using its power to win the duel every single time. So I'm willing to make an exception: accepting my loss in a duel I cannot win or hope to win."

Raphael grunted in annoyance, as the stone-faced Pharaoh walked towards him. Yami, now a short distance from Raphael, ripped off the green-stoned necklace and removed the evil card from his hand. "Take these, I won't be needing them anymore."

The opponent swiftly removed the two objects from the Pharaoh's hand. Yami, smiling to himself, turned and walked away from the man who had a plan for him. A plan that could have cost the King of Games his very own soul if he made that one foolish mistake.

He stopped in his tracks as his other self stood before him, with a neutral look on his face. Yugi then smiled at his partner for his decision to steer himself away from the Seal's power.

"You did it, Pharaoh," Yugi spoke telepathically. "You had the card in your hand and you chose NOT to use it, no matter what the outcome of the duel was. I'm so proud of you, and you should be proud too."

Yami nodded in agreement. "I am proud," the Pharaoh spoke telepathically. "I could have lost the duel and my soul if I did play the Seal. My friends will be devastated that I gave up the duel before doing anything else, but someday... someday, they will understand why I did what I did."

And with that, Yami was at peace with himself.

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