Prince Au

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Louis: You were shocked when Louis asked to take you out to dinner, but of course you didn't refuse. It was 6:30 and Louis told you that he'd pick you up around 7. Louis went all out for this dinner. He had sent you a red dress to wear and a few necklaces and bracelets to choose from. Your doorbell rang at exactly 6:56. You quickly ran down the stairs, trying not to trip over your heels, and opened the door to reveal Louis dressed in a suit. "Wow, Louis... You look incredible. Who knew you could clean up so well." You joked. "You absolutely look flawless, y/n." He grabs your hand and pulls you into a hug. "Are you ready for a perfect night, love?" He whispered into your ear. "Of course, just let me grab my wallet first." You released your arms from around him and tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip on you. "Nu-uh y/n. Let me take care of you tonight. I've heard that you've haven't had much money lately so I'm going to pay for everything." You shook your head and started to speak but you were interrupted by Louis. "Let me treat you like my princess for the night."

Liam: "I'm sorry because this is going to be a very boring night for you, babe, but I really appreciate it that you're here with me." He whispered into your ear as you were fixing you hair in the mirror in his room. You were getting ready for the ball that his parents were having since it was his father's birthday. Liam could invite one person and he decided to invite you, his girlfriend of over a year, and you immediately agreed since you knew how badly he wanted to spend the night with you even though you didn't really want to go since it was to "fancy" for you. "It's okay, Liam. If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have come with you." "Yes you would y/n." He teases, "You'd do anything for me." He pressed a kiss to you cheek and went to go sit on his bed until you were ready to go downstairs. 5 minutes later you emerged from that bathroom and watched as Liam's jaw dropped. "Wow, Y-you look amazing. Maybe we could just stay here tonight." He stood up pulled you into his chest, "Then I wouldn't have to share you." You sighed but pushed away from him. "C'mon, Liam. Before we're late." He grumbled but followed behind you. You both spent the night isolated in the corner, away from everyone else, dancing.

Niall: Tonight, he took you to a small diner that was miles away from town. "So what would you like for dinner, love?" You didn't want to seem greedy so you figured that you would order something simple. "I'll just have a salad." He looked up and sent you a weird look. "She meant a burger." He said. "That's what she wants without any onions and some fries with it, please." "Yes sir. I'll to tell the kitchen." The waiter took back your menus and headed toward the kitchen. "I just wanted a salad, Niall. Why'd you order me that?" He simply shrugged and took a sip from his drink. "You don't have to try to impress me y/n. That's what I like about you because you're so down to earth and kind." He reached across the table and held your hand. "I'm always around people who act completely fake around me just because I'm a prince but I can be normal when I'm around you because you don't make it a bit deal that I'm a prince." He lifted your hand and touched his lips to your knuckles. "And I love you so much for that my princess."

Zayn: "And this is my room." Zayn stopped in front of his bedroom door, fumbling with the doorknob. He finally opened the door and led you into his giant room. "I-It's not very much but I'm switching rooms in a few months, which will be bigger than this one." He mumbles, looking down at the floor. "Are you kidding me Zayn?! This room is bigger than my apartment is. This is amazing!" You exclaimed. He chuckled but wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back against his chest. "Wait till you see the balcony then. It has an amazing view." He said. "Let's go look!" You pulled him over to the balcony doors. "Okay, okay. Wait for me babe." He joked but unlocked the doors and gestured for you to go first. The view was incredible. There was a beautiful sunset that was slowly falling behind the hills and a gorgeous view of the fields below. "Wow." You whispered. Zayn, once again, pulled you so that you rested against his chest with his arms around your waist. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He whispered into your ear. You nodded and rested your head against him. "You know babe, you should spend the night here with me since I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow." He suggested and turned you around to face him. You both knew that you would answer yes but you decided to tease him a bit. "I don't know Zayn." You dramatically sighed. "What's in it for me?" He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips but pulled away before you could even enjoy the kiss. "How about a lot of those and some cuddling?" He suggested as he began to pull you back inside. "Sure, Zayn. But only because I can't say 'No' to you."

Harry: Harry's extremely protective of you. He believes that he has a right to since you're both best friends and have known each other forever it seems like. It breaks his heart to see that you're struggling with money and he's offered to help you out several times, whether it was a place to stay or some money for your bills, but you had always declined him since you didn't want to take advantage of your friendship. Today was an extremely stressful day; the only good thing about it was that you were spending the day with Harry in his room. You were having a movie but bill collectors and your landlord had been threatening to cut you off of their services and you had to beg to let them give you another chance. "You know, y/n, you could always come live with me. You know I'd take care of you and I'd love to be able to see you more. It's not like I couldn't afford it or anything." You sighed and leaned into his arms, resting your head on his chest. "I know, Harry. But I wouldn't want to bother you just because I can't even support myself. I can figure something out. I'll be fine." You reassured him. "Don't worry about me, Haz." He pulls you onto his lap, tucking his head into the crook of your neck. "I'm always worried about you, baby. Please. Please let me help you out. I love you so much and I just want to make sure that you're okay." He said, nuzzling closer into your neck. "You, You love me?" You stuttered, pulling away from him so that you could look into his eyes. "Yeah, of course I do. Y-you mean the world to me. Will you be mine?" He said. He had the most caring look in his and you wouldn't be able to say no even if you wanted to, which you didn't. "Yes Harry! Of course!" "Good now let's go to your place and pack your things cause you're going to move in with my parents and me now."

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