Too Hot

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too hot: a game where the two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, s/he loses. The winner gets to do whatever s/he wants to the loser (Urban Dictionary)

Harry: "C’mon, baby. Please!" Harry begged, slightly tugging on your arm. "Fine," you gave in. You just couldn’t resist Harry’s puppy dog face. "Hands behind your back," Harry instructed when you sat across from on the floor. You did as you were told. To be honest, you were a competitive person and in no way, shape, or form was the Harry Styles going to beat you. "Ready?" he asked, leaning in. You nodded in response and pressed your lips to his. It was hard to fight your instinct to wrap your arms around his neck or run them down his chest. You weren’t sure how much longer you could last and it was only a mere thirty seconds in. "You’re good at this, babe," Harry mumbled against your lips. Looks like you’ve being doing something right. Now its time to turn up the heat. You knew most, if not all, of Harry’s weaknesses. You ran your tongue across his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. Silly boy, you thought. You had him wrapped around your fingers. You let out little moans into his mouth, making him grow tense. When you bit his bottom lip, Harry pulled back. “Did you just bite me?” he asked, shocked at your actions. You smirked, “I win!” “Shit…,” he muttered when he realized what he had just done. “Now you have to do whatever I say,” you boasted. Harry chuckled, knowing that you never win anything and that whatever you “make him do,” he’ll enjoy it, too.

Liam: "You have to do it, Liam," Harry said, "You picked dare and you must do the dare." Liam threw his hands up in surrender, "Fine, fine. I just don’t like the idea of you watching us." You rolled your eyes, knowing what was coming. "For the love of God, we have heard the two of you getting it on before. Just kiss her," Louis exclaimed, over dramatically as usual. You scooted over so you were face to face with your boyfriend. "You know the rules, children," Zayn teased, "No touching. No stopping, got it?" You and Liam exchanged smiles and nodded. "Go!" Niall shouted. You and Liam, surprisingly, have played this game many times before. It’s how you settled who was going to wash the dishes. "Not this time," Liam groaned against your lips, sending shivers down your spine. You moaned in response, too preoccupied to even formulate a proper sentence. You sat on top of your hands, which ached to touch Liam. Normally, one of you would’ve caved by now. The two of you were a good three minutes in. "They’re pretty good at this," one of the boys whispered. There was brief chatter among the others as they sat in amazement. You were getting restless, only once have you ever beat Liam. You couldn’t take it any longer and wrapped your arms around Liam’s neck. Neither of you stopped, but the boys started chanting, "Liam! Liam! Liam!" What children…

Louis: “Its your turn, Lou,” you said, plopping down on the sofa. “No, (Y/N). I went last time,” he response, sitting next to you. “Lou, i definitely went last time.” “No, I did.” “Fine, guess neither of us will go then,” you said, leaning back into the plush cushion.Louis’s expression dropped, “No, I know how we can settle this.” You turned to face him, eager to hear what he had to say. “Too hot…” “Excuse me?” you asked, not quite catching what he said. “We should play too hot,” he repeated. “What is that?” “You’ve never heard of too hot?” he asked, smirking. You shook your head. “Its when two people, as in you and I, kiss without touching or stopping,” he explained. “And what happens if you stop or touch?” “I won’t stop or touch, nice try. But, loser must do whatever the winner desires,” he said. “Seems like a reasonable idea. Alright loser buys condoms,” you said, sticking your hand out. Louis gave you a firm handshake. “Loser buys condoms,” he repeated. Without any warning, Louis’s lips were on yours. “Wasn’t expecting that,” you mumbled, not daring to break the kiss. Louis chuckled, making goosebumps rise on the back of your neck. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The only noises were the occasional moans and groans coming from each of you. Both of you were so lost in the kiss, neither of you realize that you both were in each other’s embrace. You both pulled back at the same time and looked at each other. “Guess we should just go together?” you proposed, biting your, now swollen and red, bottom lip. “Fair enough,” Louis responded, grabbing his wallet.

Niall: "I, Niall James Horan, do not and will not lose," your boyfriend stated before sitting across from you on the carpet. "Yeah, yeah we’ll see about that," you teased, scooting yourself closer. The thunderstorm had knocked out your power and the two of you were abandoned in darkness in your flat with nothing to do. "Are you ready to be defeated?" he asked. "Just kiss me already, Horan," you demanded. "Oh feisty…" Before another word could slip out of his mouth, you crashed you lips onto his. "You. Are. So. Annoying," you breathed. "Shut up," he said, licking your lips for permission. He explored your mouth with his tongue. The sole feeling of his lips on yours was enough to make you go crazy. The hardest part was no being able to touch him. Stopping wasn’t a problem, you both knew neither of you would ever even dream of pulling away. There was something about Niall that made him completely and utterly irresistible. Before you knew it, your fingers were raking through his blonde locks. Niall pulled back, "I win." "Congratulations," you replied, sarcastically. You pulled him back in, knowing he didn’t really care about the victory. "You have to do whatever I say," he reminded you. "I know, I know. What do you want me to do?" Niall looked in the direction of the stairs, then back to you. "I have a few ideas, but first let’s go upstairs," he smirked. You caught on and smiled cheekily. Niall scooped you up and carried you into the bedroom, not breaking, yet another, heated kiss.

Zayn: You and Zayn had an hour to kill before he was due to go onstage. “I have an idea,” he stated. “Too hot?” you asked. He nodded. The kissing game was a common occurrence in your house. You played it whenever you were bored, which was normally right before bed, leading to other activities. Zayn glanced at the clock before kissing you passionately. The best part about kissing Zayn was that each and every kiss was filled with intense love. “I love you,” he mumbled. You smiled into the kiss, making him do the same. “Have you gotten better at this?” he joked. You giggled and bit lightly on his lips. Lip biting was definitely one of Zayn’s weaknesses and you always used it to your advantage. “Dammit,” he growled, wishing he could pull you into him. “Getting antsy?” you teased, pulling on his lip. “S-stop,” he stuttered. “Ah, fuck it.” In one swift motion, he hovered over top of you as you laid beneath him on the couch. You smirked, proud for being a winner. Zayn leaned in for another kiss. “Uh-uh, I don’t kiss loser,” you giggled. “Ouch,” Zayn said, pressing his forehead on yours. The door swung open and in entered Liam, Louis, Niall, and Harry. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Louis singsonged. “I sense a little sex fest,” Harry chimed in. Under Zayn’s weight you threw a pillow at Harry, but missed and hit Niall. “Get out!” Zayn shouted. When they all left, Zayn leaned over and whispered in your ear, “Now, what does my sexy little winner want me to do?” 

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