He makes you kiss him

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Niall:"Talk to me",blue eyes pierced yours before you turned your head around as far away from him as you could;until your cheek pressed to the back of the couch.He shifted from his previous position before he rolled over,his body now on top of yours making you trapped in between couch and him.His lips could be felt on your neck,making their way up to your jaw,slowly trailing over soft skin until they pressed to your ear,hot breath lingering over your skin as he pleaded."Please",whisper left his parted lips and before you could react,your chin was cupped in between his two fingers,eyes meeting his until he finally firmly pressed lips to yours earning a soft moan from you."Much better",smirk spread over his lips as soon as he saw your reaction.

Zayn:Frustrated groan left your parted lips as you swiftly turned around from your angry boyfriend,hand ready to grab the door knob before you leave him.It all happened a way too fast;only moment after,you weren’t where you wanted to be-in front of the house.You were trapped in between him and the cold wall instead.One hand encircled around your wrists,pinning them above your head until he firmly pressed them to the wall.He took a step closer,warm body filling an empty space between the two of you.He was pissed to no end and you could tell it by the way his eyes pierced yours,jaw flexed,but features suddenly softened as soon as he saw your frightened expression.He was scared;too scared to let you go,but he didn’t show it-he simply didn’t know how to.”Oh no,you’re not going anywhere”,his lips pressed to yours,harshly moving as he pulled himself closer.And you didn’t want to go;you were his.His angel,his one and only love.

Louis:"Please",he weakly pleaded,before he closed his eyes,but a single tear still managed to escape through a layer of lashes.Once again,he was staring at you,one hand raising from a floor before he placed it to your cheek;gently,but still strongly enough to force you to look at him.All he wanted to do is to hear you say it;tell him that you feel what he feels,that you’re more than friends.The fact that it’s not true is tearing him apart, smashing his heart and breaking it in thousand pieces."Please",he whispers once more even though he knows that it won’t change anything. This time you managed to look at him,blue in his eyes pleading,almost weak as he returns a glare.His hand placed on your cheek is still there on its previous position while he placed the other one on the back on your neck pulling your head closer to his.You didn’t know what  to do,but pulling back wasn’t an option.Your lips pressed to his trembling ones.You could feel him smile against your lips as you kissed him back and wrapped an arm around him,still not being aware of your actions.All you knew is that it felt good;better then you’ve ever expected.You leaned in,gave yourself in. You were his now.

Liam:"Babe?" he questioned,eyebrows raising as he questionably looked at you.Sigh escaped his lips when he didn’t earn a single answer from you."I’m sorry,how many times do you want me to say this?" he wrapped an arm around you as his body filled an empty spot on the couch.You crossed your arms over your chest,head turning around away from him, but before you could react,your chin was placed in between his fingers,     forcefully bringing your head to its previous position.Your eyes met his as he firmly placed his palms to the each side of your head preventing it to turn around.He smirked to himself before he gently pressed his lips to yours,hands tensing and bringing you closer.You placed your hand to his chest in desperate attempt to shove him away from you.He found your failed actions amusing so he just continued kissing you.You finally kissed him back,his kisses being intoxicating and making you forget all of your anger.  

Harry:Lowering his head down,ends of curls tickled the side of your face, every single track of that old anger washed out of his face,eyes looking bright,almost incomparable with that you saw just few minutes before.His chest were just an inch away from yours,one large hand encircling around your wrist before you could shove him away while he placed his other hand to the back of your neck bringing your head closer to his.Using one hand,he placed both of your arms around his neck,lips harshly kissing you.No matter how made or annoyed you were,you didn’t want to pull away;you wandered why he didn’t hold you even closer.And with that,you didn’t want to shove him away anymore.You tightened your arms around his neck pulling him even closer instead.

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