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"Are you excited for our camping trip?" "Its in only in a few days Jade" I rolled my eyes at her as we passed by a few amusement rides . It was that time of year where the amusement park was open and it was my most favourite time of the year

"I know Y/N but still ! Its all I can think of.." She stared at the sky with a smile and I giggled at her cuteness

"Yeah I am pretty excited " I was distracted by the strawberry pink candyfloss in hand and she stared at it soon after "can I have some of that?" She licked her lips and I purposefully pulled it away from her gaze but she smacked my arm before biting onto a chunk of it

"Your so weird" I shook my head and she hummed in happiness "oh that was good ...oh my god look at that Y/N" she pointed towards a little red like tent that stood tall

A dim light at the entrance , it looked kind of spooky and I shivered just looking at it

The board outside read 'Madam Zee , fortune teller of your future to come'

I scoffed at the board , was I a critic ? Maybe . "what ? Don't like it ? " she pouted and her bubbly personality seemed to deflate at my sudden vibe killing

"Not really but .. If you want-" "Yes!" She didn't let me finish and grabbed onto my forearm and dragged me to the tent

My legs got a little numb making me slow down and my heart beat picked up and I felt bile rise in my throat "Hey Jade .. I don't feel too good" I rubbed my chest and stopped walking

She turned with concern in her face "let's get you some water real quick and we will come back yeah?" She patted my back and I nodded not being able to speak because I was afraid I was going to puke . I know its disgusting

She gave me an ice water and I sipped at it and it helped me a little , cooling my nerves and I was hoping she would have forgotten about the whole 'madam Zee fortune teller' thingy but she threw me a sadistic smile

"Thought you could fool me? Let's go!" She wiggled her eyebrows before pulling Me to the tent again and I sighed in defeat as I allowed her to drag me

She pushed through the curtain entrance and like I said earlier it was a dimmed inside with a carpet laid down with 3 sit down couch pillows and a knee table

No one was there , only a single bell that said 'ring for assistance' .. What is this ?

The insides smelt like scented candles and a clear class ball sat on a stand and I called it ... Every 'fortune teller ' must have a clear ball

We got down on our knees and Jade pressed the bell more than once like a little kid and I giggled at her childishness before giving her a poker face and slowly shaking my head like a disappointed mother and she pouted

A tall woman walked through the beaded curtain ahead of us , she looked strict and stern with a purple and gold robe and turban

Her spider fingers and long nails intertwined with each other as she watched us both with heart shaped lips in a pout  

She sat down in front of us pulling out a deck of massive cards and a bowl with smoky liquid

"Mrs Jade l/n and Y/n L/n " she spoke and gave us a smile which revealed her yellowish teeth , clearly a smoker

"How did you know our names ???" Jade beamed "I sensed you coming my child" she nodded her head and I wanted to roll my eyes

I sensed you coming .. Is that the best you can do ?

"I am madam Zee , I see past , present , future and all" she looked from jade and I and pushed the bowl to us

"What's this?" I raised and eyebrow and she simply smiled "this will allow your souls to open up so I may read you easily .. Please drink up" she gestured

I was hesitating really bad but before I could protest

Jade already gulped down the liquid and she hummed "that's good ! Try it" she pushed it to me "you think everything is good!" I hissed at her before grabbing the bowl

I stared at the liquid and it seemed to somehow swallow all my thoughts as I drank the liquid and it immediately warmed my insides making my breathing so much more lighter if that made sense

Madam Zee breathed in deeply

"Let's begin...."


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