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Muse A finally cashed in their adventure fund for the road trip they've been dying to take. After a few hours of cruising, they stop at the last gas station for several miles. As they're heading to the register to pay for the fuel and snacks, they realize that they forgot the pump number and head to the glass door to peek outside. To Muse A's shock, someone is stealing their car. Muse A runs out of the convenience store, but it's too late to stop the thief from getting away. Muse A calls the police to make a report, but the nearest station is 3 hours away; there's no telling how long it will take for an officer to arrive. Muse B, a truck driver, overhears Muse A's story and kindly offers to give them a lift. Muse A isn't sure about accepting a ride from a stranger, but Muse B seems nice and they really don't want to hang around the gas station til nightfall.  

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