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Zoes pov

It was roughly half seven ish  in the morning  and I woke up feeling pretty nuaseas. I just lay in bed thinking that I was fine but I suddenly without thinking sprang out my bed and ran to the bathroom. I leant over the toilet and began to throw up. I had a phobia of sick so I just closed my eyes. I really wished Alfie was here to help but he was downstairs...i think he fell asleep on our sofa last night and never came up to bed. Or I guess he was already up...im not sure.

I just sat on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands. I felt like crying. But it wasn't worth it..Alfie wouldn't come...he was now up and in his office I heard him shout it to his vlogging camera. Well he didn't shout it but he said it in his excited loud voice.

I had been sitting on the bathroom floor for 45 mins now and i had been sick 3 or 4 times. I couldn't help but crying. Nobody was in the house but me. Alfie was still at his office. I flelt like i was dying. I felt as if I was going to panic. My breathing began to quicken and i began shaking, I was on the urge of another bloomin panic attack. Why was this happening

But luckily my hero, My Alfie deyes swooped into the bathroom to rescue me.

Alfies Pov

I had been in my office the last 45 mins doing some edditing and Skype calls..you know the usual. After I finished up I went back into the house to get myself and Zoe some breakfast. she wasn't in the kitchen so I assumed she was will asleep.  I made us some toasted bagles with a healthy berry smoothie.  Yummy. I brought the food upstairs to our room so we could have breakfast in bed.

But Zoe wasn't in bed. Where was she? But then I heard crying from our ensuite. I carefully placed the breakfast tray on our bed and ran into the bathroom to comfort her.

"little one. what's wrong?"


"how much?"

" a ..em ..a lot"

"aww zoe come here"

I embraced her in a cuddle and she just sobbed into my shirt. I know she was only sick and your thinking "all this commotion for a bit of sick" but Zoe has a phobia of sick so it's harder for her. And she's been very emotional recently.

We just sat on the cold hard bathroom floor hugging for a while until zoe stood up and brushed her teeth.

"I'm going go sit in bed"

"okay little one"

I followed her into the bedroom and we sat on the bed. Zoe had already grabbed the TV remote and turned on........... why dont you guess??

Harry Potter.
I swear one of the Harry Potter movies is playing on one of the TVs in our house everyday.

I got out my vlogging camera and said hello.

"Goooooood Morniinngg Guuyys! I hope you are all having a good morning!"

"I made you breakfast in bed little one"

I said as I pointed my camera at Zoe.

"aww thank you gorgeous"

I took a bite into my bagle as I passed hers to her.
I pointed my camera towards myself again.

"um guys.....My bagles gone cold...."

Zoe giggled which made me giggle.

"And guys if your wondering why that is my poor little zoe isn't feeling too well this morning. she was sick but she has convinced me that she is fine"

" I am!"

i turned my camera off and ate my cold bagle.  :(

Zoes pov

The rest of my day was pretty chilled after this morning. Although Another bad thing was that Alfie had made me a bagle but it had gone cold...but I guess that was my fully for sitting in the bathroom crying. I did feel completely fine but I decided not to vlog today and just laze about. I did do a wee clear out of my wardrobe but apart from that I had a lazy day.

Hope you enjoyed this fanfic! it's my first ever!

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