Tanyas Birth

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Alfies Pov

Me and Zoe both woke up at a fairly decent time today. I was just editing a vlog and Zoe was filming a nursery tour of the new baby bedroom.  We were just having a bit of a lazy morning. I had already taken Nala out on a walk and she was just sleeping on her fluffy bed.

I had just gotten a call from Jim.
so i answered it.

A:  Hallo
J:    Hi alfie
A: what's up?
J:I was actually just phoning to say that Tanyas in Labour right now.
A: your joking? 
J: No I'm not we are at the hospital
A:Thats great Man. Call us when it's over and we will come and visit.
J: ok..bye
A: Bye

I hung up and went to tell Zoe the news. I ran upstairs.



"we are you?"

"I'm in my office"

I ran up the the next flight of stairs to her office.   

"whats up Alf?" she asked

"just thougt I would let you know that Tans in Labour"

"what..omg..Alfie. .we need to buy her baby a gift!"

"yeah we will a bit later...the baby isn't born yet!"

"okay...wanna cuddle up and Watch disney movies?"  she asked smiling


I picked zoe up.

"Alfieee.  Don't you'll drop me. I'm probably has heavy as a house..."

"no your not..your surprisingly still quite light."

"ya sure about that" she said laughing."

I carefully carried her downstairs and laid her on the sofa. Then i went to the kitchen and made us both somde yummy hot chocolates. 

Later on i had woken up to the sound of my phone ringing. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. Zoe was still cuddled up next to me and she was sleeping as well. I answered my phone it was Jim again.

A: Hallo jimbob

j: Hi alfie. I was just phoning to tell you and Zoe that I am now a daddy! Tan has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl!

A: congratulations man!

J: Thanks!

A: is it all right if we come visit in a couple hours?

J: yeah thats fine! see you then.

A: Bye.

I hung up the phone and woke zoe up to tell her the news.

"Little one?" I said nudging her lightly


"Tan had the baby. It's a girl"

as soon as she heard me her eyes opened wide with excitement.

Zoes pov

Me and Alfie were jut having a lazy day. I didn't t feel up to much. Jim had phoned us at around 11.00am to tell us that Tan was in labour. I was so excited for them and i  couldn't wait to meet their baby. Later me and Alfie just cuddled up on the sofa and watched The newest cinderella film that came out in 2015. I must have fallen asleep because alfie then started nudging me. I really didn't want to be woken up. I was soo tired. But then he had told me that Tan just gave birth to a baby girl. I open my eyes wide with joy.

"Can we go visit?" I asked him

"Yeah we can. but should we buy them a gift first?"

"yes we should!"

i got up of the sofa and cleaned myself up a bit. Alfie did the same. we then got in the car and went to Asda to see if there was anything good enough their. I picked up some Pink and white baby grows, an adorable pink teddy bear, And a really fluffy small purple blanket for the baby. Then i got Tan and Jim some chocolates, flowers and some lovely essentials/toiletries.

We soon arrived at the hospital. I asked the receptionist  at the maternity ward what room they were in. She said 507.

502, 503, 504, 505, 506 and here  is 507. " alfie said

We walked in the door to find Tan cradling a small but beautiful baby girl and Jim sat by her side smiling.

"aww Tan she's she's so precious." I said approaching her.

"thanks zoe! soon you will have a baby girl too..they will become best friends for sure."

"yeah I am sure they will"

"whats her name?" asked alfie

"her name is Rosie"

"welcome to the world Rosie!" i said smiling.

"oh I got you these!" i said holding up the bag of gifts. "

"aww thanks so much. the teddy's adorable"

"I'm glad you like them."

After ages of talking we finally left. I was so happy for Tanya and Jim.  Soon I was going to have my own little human to be responsible for.  I couldn't wait.


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