it's time

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Zoes pov.             (8.5 months pregnant)

Mark, Louise, Marcus and Niomi were round out our hosue today. We were just chilling out in the living room playing board games.

It was 12.36 in the afternoon. Alfie had just gone over to the office for a bit for somethig. I reallly didn't feel great. I kept on getting cramps it started worrying me. They would come and go. Nothing too serious.

It was now 1.30pm and we were all still sitting in our living room. I was lying down watchig tv, Niomi was texting someone. Mark was also watching tv. Marcus was edditing and louise blabberd on to me about somethig but I wasn't really paying attention. I was still getting cramps.

I got up off the sofa and waddled to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Before I exited the living room Niomi asked me what I was doing.

"I'm just getting a glass of water"

"Oh ok"

I had just filled up a glass with some icy cold water when suddenly a huge cramp got me. It was more like a contraction. I screamed with pain dropping the glass causing it to shatter.  Suddenly everyone came running.

( z: zoe L:louise M: Mark MB: Marky butt but  N:Niomi A: alfie)

L: Chummy what's wrong

M: zo you alright

N: what happened?

Z: ....not

MB: what's wrong?

Z: I have got really bad cramps.

Z: Agh....oww

i got a really powerful cramp and suddenly a gush of water came out.

Z: I waters...just broke

L: OMG Zoe stay calm

I kept on getting reallly bad contractions. I just sat on the floor up against the counter in pain. screaming. my breathing was quickened. I felt panicy. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted Alfie.

Z: Alfieeeeeeeee

I screamed in pain.  everyone was crouched on the floor next to me trying to comfort me.

L: Marcus! Get Alfie. He is in his office!

MB: ok!

Marcus said already running to alfies office.

Tears were streaming down my face.

within minutes Marcus came back with Alfie

A: Zoe!

Alfie said running to my side sort of pushing the others out the way.

z: Alfieee.  it hurts.

A: It's OK little one. We are going to get you to the hospital.

Alfie picked me up. took me outside And put me in the front seat of our range rover.

Alfie pov

Zoe was in pain. I felt so sorry for her. It was finally time for us to become parents. Although she was only 8 and a half months pregnant. Which worried me. I quickly grabbed the hospital bag and baby car seat and chucked them in the boot.

A: Marcus, Niomi, saty here and  Look after Nala 

I said getting In the car.

N/MB:  Ok we will

Louise and Mark jumped in the back of the car. An we were off.

We soon arrived at the hospital. Louise quickly ran in and got a wheelchair for zoe because she was finding it to painful to walk.

We eventually got to the maternity ward. After we were settle in all we could do was wait. I didn't want to bother zoe with vlogging so I'd didn't.
Hours had passed and Zoe was only at 6 cm. Marcus and Louise were just at the canteen since they couldn't be in the room until the baby was born.
I was so nervous but excited to finally meet my baby. Our baby. I just couldn't to beilve I was going to  become a dad within the day or maybe few days.

Another few hours passed. it was now around 5pm. Zoe was finally 10 cm.

"Okay zoe your ready now"
said the doctor.

Zoes pov.

"Okay zoe your ready now"
I was so relived to finally hear those words. The afternoon had been very stressful but exciting. I was excited to become a mum but the pain was excruciating.

"Okay zoe give me one last big push."
siadg the doctor that was delivering my baby.

"come on gorgeous you can do it!" said Alfie.

All of a sudden I heard a cry. Tears swelled up in my eyes.  The doctor passed me our little princess. They cleaned her and wrapped her up in a pink blanket.

"she's perfect" said Alfie holding back his tears.

I leaned over to kiss him. I loved him annd our baby so much.

"what should we call her?" I asked. since we hadn't yet picked a name.

"I was thinking Esmè Elizabeth Deyes."

"thats a beautiful name." I said smiling yet again.

Esmé was sleeping peacefully in my arms. she was only about 45 minutes old. I texted Mark and Louise to tell them the news. Within seconds they blasted though the door excitedly.

"Omg Zoe! she's beautiful"
said mark and louise nodded.

"whats her name?" asked Louise?

"Her name is Esmé Elizabeth Deyes"  said Alfie.

"thats a lovely name" said Louise.

"yeah its so cute just like her" said Mark.

I could tell Louise and Mark were dying to hold her so I carefully passed her helpless little body over to Louise.

While they cuddled her I phoned my parents, Joe and my friends the news. Alfie also called his family and friends. Everyone was thrilled and they were probably already out buying gifts for little Esmé.

I was so so so so so so so so so happy right now. I couldn't ask for more.

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