The Death Of The Paul Brother's (Logang)

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"tet fens wus ez tu jup' said Audi

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!" yelled Greg Paul

Audi chainsawed Greg Paul with the blade

"uoim guna kell lugn pul" whispered Auid in Greg's ear

"no..." said greg 

he then bleed out, Audi opened the front door and went inside

"hoi lugn pul" said Audi

"oh look Logang, there is a 12 eyed mutant kid" said Logan

"gess wut lugn pul' said Audi

"u wel dui lek tht ded bude u fund" said Audi

"NOOOOOOO" yelled Logan

Audi then hanged logan with the rope in his house

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