Chapter 10

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*Hayes POV*

I was walking over to Danielle's house but I heard a familiar voice calling my name.. I turned around and it was Lucas

L:Hey dude! How are u?

H: oh hey I'm good :)

L: I have been meaning to tell you something about Danielle

H: oh really I'm actually heading to her hou.....

L: I like Danielle

Oh shoot did he say he liked her.. I can't like her too he is my friend

H: ohh really that's kwel....

L: yea I know I just had to tell someone I trust and u seem kwel so I kno u won't do anything that will make me mad

H: uhh yea

L: SOO where u headed?

H: oh I was just taking a walk

L: oh well I'll see u at school tomorrow

Yes I know I lied to him but I can't loose my only friend


*Danielle's POV*

I can't believe I invited him over?!? I don't even look presentable so I went to the bathroom washed my face and out my hair in a cute messy bun. ( I don't wear makeup but I put on some lipgloss just to look nice)I slipped on some leggings and my volleyball sweat shirt


He is here...

Hayes POV

I rang the door bell and wen she opened it I quickly went inside so Lucas wouldn't see

D: umm come on in?

H: sorry I'm just um really eager to watch those movies

D: haha OKAYY follow me :)

we walked into her room and she turned on her tv and turned to Netflix

D: wat do u wann watch?

H: uhh have u ever seen the fosters?

D: no but it looks like a good show. let's watch that then :)

She clicked the bottom button and I decide I had to make a move before Lucas did.

I jumped on her bed and patted the spot next to me to tell her to come sit .

Danielle POV

hayes jumped in my bed and patted the spit next to me

I giggled and jumped on the bed too

We where about half way into the second season I looked at hayes and he seemed tired. I was definitely tired to so I leaned my head on his shoulder

Soon my eyes where getting heavier and heavier and I feel asleep

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