Chapter 17

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Danielle's POV
I woke up from an irratating beeping noise from my phone. "Oh" I got up brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I shampoo and conditioned my hair and shaved. I stepped out and dried off with my towel. I reached for my coconut butter and applied it all over my body.
I quickly went into my room and put on my cream colored blouse with a cute little pineapple on it. Then I slipped on my high waisted denim shorts and applied my mabilline clump crusher mascara and my pink punch baby lips.
Then I put on my white converse, ran downstairs and grabbed a peice of toast then ran to the door and picked up my red jansport backpack and ran out the door. I pulled out my phone and texted sav and cassie.
D: hey guys I'm taking the bus today wanna come?
S: sorry I can't I have a asb meeting so I can't
C: I can't either I have to go to dance rehersles......
D: oh okay have fun

I walked up to the bus stop and another person was there..hayes
"Hey" I said
His head was down and when he looked up he smiled.
"Hey... so uh are you still mad at me I swear I didn't-"
"Hayes it's okay I'm not mad."
"Really!" he said with a greatful
"Haha ya..uh wanna sit next to me on the bus? I'm kinda a loner CASUE Cassie and savannah ditched me."

Hayes POV
".......I'm kinda a loner CASUE Cassie and savannah ditched me."
Did Danielle just ask if I wanted to sit on the bus with her!?!? I don't mean to sound like a girl at all but YASS. But I had to play it cool. I looked up and smirked "oh ya sure.. why not."
The bus arrived and I let danielle go up first... Don't judge me I'm trying to be a gentleman. I got on and everyone was saying hi to danielle.... like everyone.
"Hey! Danielle! come sit with us!" a blonde headed girl said with ocean blue eyes. right when she saw me her eyes got wide and she smirked "Ohh... and bring your cute little friend too." I blushed and Danielle looked back and chuckled. We sat infront of the girl who called me cute. I got the window seat and the girl asked me wat my name was. I told her and she was flirting with me the whole time.... she was pretty and all but I liked danielle, her name was Maddie.I don't think danielle likes me though. Danielle was on her phone when a boy with brown hair and greenish hazel eyes yelled her name from a couple seats down....Lucas.
"Hey! did you do the math homework?"
"Yea?" she said with a confused face.
"Uhh well you see I was with Hayes last night so I didn't get to finish can I-"
He was cut off by Danielle switching seats to sit next to him and he smirked.
I heard her helping him with it and I got really jelous....

Danielle's POV
We got off the bus and hayes seemed to ignore me. I think he was mad CASUE I ditched him for Lucas. I felt kinda bad he didn't have any friends so he didn't know where to go so he looked kinda lost. "Hayes! wait!" he looked up and our eyes met and he looked really sad. "look I'm sorry for ditching you on the bus but I'll sit next to you at lunch,okay??"
"Oh it's fine I'm not mad at you, I'm just a little overwhelmed with this whole new school thing..."
"Oh well let's go to the office to get
Your schedule ."

Hayes POV
We walked out to this building that had black lettering on it,office. when we entered there was a lady with brown hair and glasses. "oh you must be the new you go." she handed me my schedule and we walked out. Danielle took it from my hands and her eyes widened. "uhh you have the same exact schedule as me." she chuckled and showed me my first period class.....math, great .
Authors note
OMG hey guys! I'm am so frekin sorry I left you guys hanging I swear I wo t do it again!! this is kinda a long chapter for you guys! thanks sooo much for all the reads! love ya 😘

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