Chapter 2

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-Bokuto POV-

On the wall hang a picture of Hayato Yuta from it sprouted red lines to personal information and a map of the house. His security was good you had to give him that.
'He has a guard at every entrance and two at his bedrooms door, the maid or butler that came by every 3 minutes and 49 seconds? A diversion. If someone thinks they guard the house and tries to take them out they'll get taken down themselves by the guards.' that is the information I give Kuroo. He nods signaling that he understood it. So I walked up and places the guards as red dods on the map. Kuroo moves in front of it sitting on the table, he brought his hand up to his lips stroking them mindlessly while deep in thought. It was kind of cute to be honest.

Kuroo was in one word cute and I know I thought that before. He was one handsome motherfucker and he knew it. He used it to his advantage when approaching targets. It was a handy skill he posed and I was weak.
I always thought I didn't stand a chance, but boy was I wrong. I asked him yesterday with a game of truth or dare, childish I suppose. That doesn't matter everyone thinks I am dumb and more the muscles of the duo. I don't care I get my information in different ways, the "childish" ways. People tend to trust me and talk to me, Kuroo is the first who didn't treat me as a caveman who doesn't understand anything. That's why I like him.

A small cough brings me back, I look up to see Kuroo looking expectedly at me. I probably look confused as he says:' Bro! Pay attention, this is important.'
'Yeah bro, sorry! What were you saying.' I reply. He sighs, but a fond smile crosses his features. 'Well as I was saying, how about we take out the butler here', he points at a place at the map, 'It's a blind spot. And then one of us can run as the butler to the house and start taking the guards out while the other runs around taking out Hayato. What do you think?'
'Well taking down the butler is easy, but how are we going to change that fast? We can wear outfits before hand, no that would be in the way while fighting. So I think we could cross here', I too point at the map.' It's a blindspot to almost up to te house so we can come close without being seen. Then we can circle around the house, both in another direction until we meet here', I point to a new point on the map, 'Then we are at his bedroom window, we can go in and take him out. Easy peasy.'
He nods, determination covering his features. He honestly is adorable.

Yes he is adorable, it's the truth and I will fight anyone who disagrees. Just look at him. His bedhair ruffled like always, covering his cat like eyes that can pierce right through you and then you have his muscles. I can say working out with him is a blessing and a curse. On one hand I get to see him in a tank top and shorts doing push-ups and what not, but on the other hand is it driving me crazy that I just can't touch him, it's so frustrating. And here I was zoning out yet again, because I can't stop thinking about my bro. Clearing my throat and shaking my head I focused on my surroundings. And of course was the motherfucker looking at me with a worried look on his face.

'Are you okay bro?' he asked. I laughed and said: 'As good as can be. So on which day is the attack going to take place?'
His eyes saddend a bit: '17 november.'
'Hey isn't that your birthday? We can't do that! We need to celebrate your birthday, you can assassinate someone in your birthday! I refuse!' I yelled and at the last part I slammed my foot down for the dramatic effect. (I may not be dumb, but I'm still a drama queen.)
He huffed and smile a bit: 'I know, but this is the best day. We can celebrate afterwards. Does that sound good?'
I thought for a second (you know, effect) and then I agreed. But wanting to have the last word I said: 'You're still dumb.'

And swear I've never seen someone turn so fast as he did when I said that. In seconds I was attacked by fingers, tickling me to death. I couldn't stop laughing and begging for mercy as he pinned me down and tickled my sides. After a few minutes he stopped, we sat there on the ground trying to catch our breath. Then I suddenly realized in the compromising position we were in. I'm laying down on the ground while he straddled my hips amd pinning my hands above me. I looked in his of course fucking beautiful hazel eyes, with tiny golden specks. He looked back and we stared at each other for a second. Then he quickly scrambled of me.
A blush had crept up his cheeks and damnit he shouldn't look so cute for a 187.7 cm long grown man! I was quite disappointed when he had scrambled of. Even though he said he could love a man, he obviously didn't want to be close to me like that.
I sighed deep, put on my excited demeanor and said: 'Come, we need to sleep, got a busy day tomorrow.' I shooed my hands to his bedroom door.
He gave me a questioning look, but walked towards his door anyway.
'Goodnight Bo.'
'Yeah, you too.'
Another day I survived and didn't die from the cuteness overload that was Kuroo. God I needed to get over this.

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