Chapter 4

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-Bokuto POV-

I crawled away knowing Kuroo would be right after. The butler has just passed and wouldn't be there for an other 3 minutes and 49 seconds time enough to get to the house.
I'm still in the blind spot we found. I look around and sneak into view. I'm noticed after three seconds and a guard comes charging towards me. He barks:"What are you doing here!" I don't respond I just give him my most intimidating stare, it works, he stumbles not knowing how to react. Kuroo said my eyes are scary, in a good way, and that they are useful for interrogations.

I step to the guard and put my knife in the side of his head. He was expecting that and didn't react to my movements, he let himself be stabbed and falls to the ground. "One down five to go." I whisper to myself. I walk by the side of the house, turn the corner and two other guards are there.

They know I don't have mercy and try to get a hit on me the moment they see me. One hit my mask and the other my chest, but joke is on them because it's made of metal and I only feel slightly dizzy while they can't use one of their hands.
I strike back kicking one in the shin and hitting the other in the face. The other all being knocked out and the one get on his knees, one hand on the place I kicked him and with the other one trying to fight. It's sad to see, I'd hoped for more of a challenge.

Then the butler ran by again right on schedule, he was down in a second. Kind of brutal to send him out when you know you are under attack. But hey, I'm not the one to judge seeing as I kill people for a living.
As he ran past I tripped him and stabbed him, then I made quick work of the two guards.

I make it ten meters before the last two guards catch up with me. They prove to be more of a challenge then the other seeing as I got hit twice. First with a fist, second with a bullet, which is a bit unfair as I only had my knives.
'I'm kinda disappointed in y'all' I whisper at the corpses and myself. I made a bad habit out of talking to myself and I should probably try to stop. But than again it helps me clear my mind and shake of stra(ight)y thoughts.

I round the corner to see Kuroo, he is as gorgeous as ever his cat mask hiding his face and hands and box brackets bloody. He's smirking, I know he is. The little fucker.
'Hey bro long time no see.' he tells me. I can't help myself but laugh at it.
Then a loud crashing sound interups our reunion. We looks sideways to see Hayato Yuta trying to escape out of his room.
'Why do they always feel the need to run away when they see us? Do we really look that unfriendly?' I comment. Kuroo barks his hyena laugh and breaks the window and I thought I heard him say that it's a good one.

Hayato Yuta is much but anything than a challenge. He is dead in no time. We step over his corpse and walk into the building, I know the way having memorized the outlay of the house.
The control/camera room is where we are heading now. Once we get there we erase everything and lock all the doors, the servants who are here can't get out.

Once we locked everyone in and we are outside again we set to work. We drag the guards to the house and spill oil everywhere. Then I get my lighter out of my pocket and light the fire.
We stands and watch for a moment as the house burns down, leaving no evidence behind. Then we turn and don't look back. It's just another job. Just another paycheck.

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