Blushing - Marshall Lee x reader

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You sighed and grabbed your keyboard and hoodie, pulling it on half way and running out the door. Crap! Im gonna be late!! You turned and saw the cave entrance

"Yeah! Almost there!" You told.yourself out loud when suddenly.

"Woah!" you were picked up by cake,

"Come on ______, Marshall and Fionna are already there!" you nodded and she grew and you two were there in two steps. She set you down and shrunk then walked inside, you followed.

"Hey ______" Fionna said highfiving you

"hah, hey whats up?"  She laughed and pointed up

"Marshall is!" you laughed and he smiled at us

"_______, Fionna, good to see you guys" he grinned mischeviously and floated to the kitchen. You and fionna looked at eachother, shrugged and walked in

"Grah!!!" he flew down behind us,

"Ah!" Fionna screamed I laughed and so did he. He noiticed I didnt.scream and floated over to me

"Oh so your scared of me ______?" I laughed lightly

"no, I would never be" I said grinning and taking a few steps towards him each word. He grinned and pushed me against the wall and started to lean in hungrily (for blood :O) You shut up and were blushing a deep shade of crimson he stopped when he was really close then he cocked his head to the side

"not scared of me huh?" He laughed as he backed off. I was embarassed now,

"Im not" he laughed again

"not? Not what as red as an apple?"

I turned around and Fionna blinked twice then smiled and went into the living room. I turned around again but he wasnt there

"huh?" I felt him slip his arms around my waist and he put his head on mine. I smiled

"I love you _______, ya jerk"

"ha, I love you too babe"

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