Willy Wonka x reader

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I blinked at the candy shop...what's charlies favorite candy....I saw the wonka bar and then at my small paycheck. Well it's not much and its a day past his birthday I couldn't make it back last night I was pulling a double shift. My little brother really wanted the golden ticket...though I was 24 now I knew the chances were small but...why not. I grabbed it and quickly bought it, heading home immediately. Everyone was asleep I went into Charlie's bedroom we shared and glanced at his tear stained, sleeping face I smiled and put the chocolate bar in out desk drawer. I laid back in my bed and relaxed....I can't wait till tomorrow...

I woke up to an argument in the other room and I got up sluggishly
"Mum?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and saw Charlie giving grandpa Joe a bowl of cabbage soup, hmm it must be ok, he looked up to me and I smiled at him and held out my arms for a hug
"Sorry I'm late bud...happy birthday?" He grinned and rushed over hugging me. I looked at mum and she smiled, dad did too. I grinned rememberimg the wonka bar.
"Hey Charlie...I have a present for you I know its a long shot...but...here one second" I rushed into my room and grabbed the tiny bit of my paycheck and the wonka bar. I came in, handed the money to mum she smiled at me greatfully I smiled back. Then turned to Charlie "Ready?" He grinned and nodded
"Well...here!" I held out the bar his face was filled with hope and he smiled at me
"Go ahead" he smiled weakly but opened it slowly....nothing...nothing....wait is that? His trembling hand fumbled with the package then pulled out a large golden ticket
"I GOT ONE!" he was grinning estaticly at everyone and I couldn't help but grin even more
"Wooh hoo!" I shouted out picking him up he hugged me...I looked back at everyone they were all grinning and happy
"_______, you have to go with him" grandpa Joe said happily, I blinked then looked at mum and dad
"Are you sure?" They nodded smiling
"Yes, yes! Go" I smiled...my childhood had been...pretty rough we had even less money and dad had just lost his first job...I didn't get much...this was a dream come true...I looked at Charlie...for me and him...

-Time skip to the gates-

Me and Charlie stood at the gates...I felt very awkward the other plus ones were adults..and dressed nicley. I had on the only nice thing I had a blue flower dress, long sleeved with a pair of black flats it was a gift from an elderly woman who saw me at high school my senior year.... I breathed in and Charlie squeezed my hand as we heard a door open....I held my breath...A man walked towards us, he had a dark purple suit and hat with tan pants...he had light brown curly hair smoothed back. He looked over all of us, his gentle blue eyes lit up on Charlie...for just a brief second then they met mine I felt my heart flutter and he offered a charming smile the turned to the rest with it. He opened the gates and we all hurried in, me and Charlie last.
-time skip your inside now-
He stopped as soon as we entered the building
"Now then! Contest winners, I would like you o sign this, please" the one business like man scoffed
"I won't be signing anything" the man smiled
"Then I'm afriad you won't be able to continue" the man hastily signed, mumbling a few words and shoved the pen into Charlie's hand. He looked up at me... I smiled...
"Go on bud" he nodded and signed then handed it to me. I glanced up and the man raised a curious brow at me...that smile! I felt myself blush and quickly signed it looking away and grabbing hold of Charlie's hand.
"Ready?" I said excited he nodded quickly. I looked up and the man smiled at all of us as if he were a kid in a candy shop picking his favorites.
"Now then, I am Mr. Willy Wonka and this-" he guestured around him with his hands
"Is my factory" he grinned and walked through a hallway we all followed like dogs and he stopped at a small door
"Oh, and please don't take anything with you that you get from through these doors, people could steal my ideas" we all nodded and he nodded and opened the door and we all maneuvered our ways in. I was watching Charlie go in and glanced to Mr. Wonka. He nodded to me and held the door. I smiled
"Thank you" he smiled politley
"Your quite welcome"
I went through then gasped as I looked around...it's so...
"Isn't it awesome _____?" Charlie said his eyes wide I smiled and nodded
"Yes" I grinned laughing a little..was I really here? I heard the door shut and Mr.Wonka stood up....does he have a wife? I shook my head...what was that?! I blushed lightly and Mr. Wonka walked in front of all of us
"Welcome to my chocalte factory" he began to walk down but stopped every few steps then went back up I watched delighted, I followed but we got to the bottom and he stopped us at first and then geustured for us to go
"Come on Violet!" someone shouted I smiled as Charlie pulled me along. He got to a lolly pop bush and I was close by, next to a taffy tree
"Come with me...and you'll be...in a world of pure imagination..." I heard singing it sounded so nice I loved it I walked forward quickly glancing back at Charlie
"Will you be OK if I explore a little?" He nodded and I smiled once more walking towards I heard the voice
"Take a look...and you'll see into your imagination..." He was a magical singer I smiled and walked farther and faster
"We'll begin...with a spin...traveling in a world of my creation..." I saw a rock crystal cave near the waterfall of chocolate....he was in there... I causously walked forward
"What we'll see will defey....explanation...if you want to view paradise...simply look around and view it...anything you want to...do it....want to change the world-" I walked and saw him standing behind the waterfall... He was...such and interesting individual...
"There's nothing to it.." I smiled and he turned around and gazed at me walking forward and gently grabbing my hand
"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination..only there you'll be free-" he twirled me around as we exited the cave
"If truly wish to be" he gave me that smile
"If you want to view paradise-" he brought my hand to his lips, kissed the top and gave me a confident smile I blushed even more
"Simply look around and view it-" he walked me back to the taffy tree
"Anything you want to do it..." He pulled a piece and handed it to me
"Want to change the world...there's nothing...to it" he smiled and walked off humming more the beautiful tune I felt woozy....no one ever wanted to dance with me...the poor girl...I wasn't fit to be danced with or good enough...I blushed and looked over for Charlie. I could see him a little bit away near a mushroom. I smiled to myself what a marvelous factory Mr. Wonka has.. I walked back to him and he smiled when I heard a splash "Agustice! Oh help!" We all rushed and Mr. Wonka sighed annoyed... And clicked his tongue.
"Well i'll tell the oomp loompa's to take care of it....alright mam'e?" He snapped his fingera and two came up
"Her son got sucked up the choclate pipe please take her to him" they nodded at his gestures and took her away. He turned to the a giant floating boat
"Ready for a boat ride children?" He said happily forgetting what just happens and we all quickly got in.
-time skip till you guys won!!-
You stepped happily in into the elevator slightly afriad (you had a fear of heights) Charlie, beaming followed.
"Ready?" Willy looked at us I smiled and Charlie blurted out
"Yes" and Mr. Wonka flipped a switch and we flew up and out. I had immediately hugged Willy tight he giggled
"______ are you alright?" He placed his hand on my hip and around my back. Charlie was too busy looking out around him to notice us and I snuggled in closer to him, hugging him a little more and I pecked his cheek
"For now....just don't let me go." He smiled gently back and kissed my lips tenderly
"Never." Charlie was still watching below us and he point to our small house
"There's our house!" Willy smiled and we both nodded and looking down I smiled
"So it is"

OK...I know...it seems weird but he is such a interesting character and I like him so there! Haha thanks for reading as always any requests just ask in the comments! Bye!!

~ Marin

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