That Time of the Month Again

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Your p.o.v

     You woke up naturally and smiled. You loved Castiel with everything, and your love for him was accepted by the angels. You sighed contently and rolled over. You moved your leg into a wet substance on the bed and you felt your heart stop for a second. You slowly sat up and looked under the sheet. Blood. It was coming from your... 'Oh god.' You thought. "Come on! I was fine until you came!" You yelled, frustrated and looked around. Castiel was standing in the doorway, watching you with that adorable head tilted of his.

     "What is it love?" He asked and you smiled at the nickname, but you soon remembered your issue. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it with Cas. He walked over to you and you hid your face in your hands. He pulled the covers back and saw the blood. "Is that blood?" You nodded slowly, hoping that you wouldn't have to explain your situation. "Y/N. Are you having your menstrual cycle?" You looked up and smiled nervously. He nodded. "I'll help you clean up." He helped you out of bed and lead you to the bathroom.

     "Thank you Cas." You smiled and he looked at you lovingly.

     "It is my pleasure." He walked over to the bed and you shut the door.

Castiel's p.o.v.

     I pulled the blankets off the bed, and wrapped the bloody sheet up in between the other blankets. I walked out of her bedroom, and passed the library on my way to the washing machine. Sam was in the library, and he stood up wondering what I was doing.

     "Cas? What're you doing?" Sam walked over to me and looked at the sheets and blankets that I was holding. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me questioningly.

     "Y/N seems to be having her menstrual cycle, and she bled on her sheets." I explained and Sam nodded.

     "You know, you're really good to her. I'm sure she's thankful." Sam said and I smiled slightly.

     "Thank you Sam. I always feel the need to help her, and when she's sad or upset, I always want to comfort her." I explained and Sam smiled softly.

     "You really love her Cas." Sam said and I nodded.

     "Yes. I do." I smiled to myself while thinking about Y/N. She was truly the only one that I loved the way I do.

Your p.o.v.

     You came out of the bathroom, with an extremely painful cramp, and wobbled your way towards the library. You heard Sam and Cas talking.

     "You really love her Cas." You heard Sam say and you stopped walking to listen in.

     "Yes. I do." You smiled at Cas' answer and came out of hiding.

     "Can I maybe get some hot packs or something?" You asked trying not to fall, but that failed when a cramp slammed into you, causing you to collapse while clutching your abdomen. You groaned and curled up into a ball, trying to relieve the pain. Cas flew away instantly, but came back within seconds, carrying a hot pack.

     "Here love." He gave you the hot pack and picked you up bridal style, making his way towards the couch. He laid you down and you smiled. "I do not understand why my father would put women through this amount of pain." He glanced at you and smiled. "I really am sorry." You giggled.

     "It's not your fault Cas. It's just a part of life for a girl." He nodded and you leaned up, kissing his cheek. He blushed and you laid back down. "Thank you for helping me." You smiled while admiring his beautiful blue eyes. "Your vessel has very pretty eyes." He nodded and you giggled.

     "Jimmy Novak used to live inside here, but he wasn't able to control his actions. He was shot in the stomach and sent to heaven. Now there is no human soul in this body. It does belong to me you could say." Castiel explained and you nodded.

     "Jimmy Novak. The name of your vessel?" He nodded and you smiled. "Did he have a family?"

     "Yes, he had a wife and a daughter. The wife has passed and is in heaven with Jimmy. Their daughter, Claire, is a hunter and I used to take care of her since I am in her father's body." He stated and you smiled, picturing Cas as a father.

     "Did she love you? You know, as a father." Cas looked at the blank wall, squinting his eyes.

     "She did not appreciate my presence at first, but I believe we created a bond. It has been a while since I've seen her." You nodded and smiled. You liked the idea of Cas as a father figure.

     "That's sweet that you would act as her father, even though you were just using her father as a vessel. I'm sure she appreciates the thought, even if it doesn't seem that way." You said and Cas smiled softly. You looked at Cas and he looked at you lovingly. That facial expression faded away and he looked deep in thought, while lifting his hand to his forehead. He smiled and pulled his hand away. You looked at him and furrowed your eyebrows.

     "It's angel radio. The angels appreciate our bond and they are planning to leave us be, to have us bear children together." He blushed and looked down. You giggled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

     "They must be eager to have a nephilim on their side. Not yet my angel." You smiled and he nodded.

     "I agree." He replied and you stood up. You walked into the kitchen, and Sam and Dean were talking. You walked past them and headed to the fridge. You grabbed a water bottle and turned around, walking back into the living room to grab your hot pack. Cas wasn't there so you walked over to your bedroom. You opened the door quietly and saw Cas making your bed, with new sheets. He looked up from the bed and smiled. "Your sheets are currently in the washing machine." He explained and you smiled.

     "Thank you Cas. You didn't have to do this." You smiled and walked in, closing the door behind you. He smiled and continued making your bed.

     "Yes I did Y/N, because I love you." He said and your heart jumped. The only reason he was doing it, was because he loved you.

     "I love you too." You walked over and stood by him, waiting for him to finish. He finished and turned to you. You pressed your lips to his softly and he kissed back. It was a gentle but sweet kiss, and was only filled with love. You pulled away and smiled. "May I sit on the bed?"

     "Yes. Of course." Cas said and you sat down on the bed with your back leaning against the headboard. You sat on the left side and patted the empty spot next to you. Cas sat down next to you and you smiled. You leaned over and grabbed your journal. Cas looked at you and you didn't notice. You were focused on the cover of the journal that got you through all of the difficult times of your childhood, through your teenage years, and up until your adulthood.

     "This is the journal that I write everything in. From the hard times, to the best days. It got me through this too." You pulled your sleeves up and showed the scars on your wrists. He looked at the scars and frowned. He looked up at you and tilted his head. He was clearly upset.

     "Please don't do this to yourself." He said with tears in his eyes. You shook your head.

     "I don't anymore, now that I know I mean something to other people." You said like it was nothing. He kept his head tilted but he furrowed his eyebrows.

     "Y/N. You always meant something to others. Even if it didn't seem like it, someone out there loved you and cared about you. They still do." Cas stroked the side of your face, and you felt a tear escape. He wiped it away and kissed your forehead. "Just know that you mean everything to me, love." You nodded and smiled through tears.

     "Thank you Castiel. That means the world to me. Just like you." You wrapped your arms around his neck and he hugged you back. "I love you."

     "And I, you."

     Hey guys! This was a filler chapter, but the suicidal part does have something to do with the story. You'll see. If you suffer with suicidal thoughts, please know that someone out there loves you with everything. They can't live without you. You are beautiful! Thanks guys!

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