The Talk

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When the appointment is over. We all head outside. I have my head down, but I'm still smiling. I can tell Lila and Tina are thinking but I have no idea what they are thinking about.

We arrive home in about 15 minutes and Tina tells me an Lila dinner will be ready in a couple hours. I run up to my room and take the boxes out of the closet and start putting them back up, so I can get my stuff packed. I heard footsteps coming in my room and I could tell it was Tina but I acted like I didn't hear anything and just kept packing.

"Calie" Tina said so nervous that she could have a heart attack on the spot.

"Tina." I say wanting to run away and never look back.

"Honey, why didn't you tell me? or Lila? or even Jason?"

Jason. How could I tell her that this baby is her grandchild. "Tina, this is your grandchild."

"Yes, I have custody of you. I understand that this baby is part of my family, not by blood but in the heart."

"No, Tina this is your grandchild by blood. He or she is Lila's niece or nephew. This is my and your sons baby. This is Jason's baby too." I say almost put of breath.

"Family meeting! NOW!" Tina yells.

We all go down stairs and sit at the table. This is going to be interesting.

"Mom, I have a ton of homework. This wont take long will it." Jason says.

"I do too" Lila says quietly.

"Me three" I say.

"Homework will have to be done later. This is a serious matter." Tina explains. "Lila already knows but Jason Calie is pregnant."

"Oh yay a little brat running around the house." Jason says rolling his eyes smirking. "I'm not watching it"

"Jason, please, just listen"Tina gives him a look.

"Mom! Just because Calie is pregnant doesn't mean we have to miss our homework!" Lila screams.

"Lila, Jason! Listen!" Tina screams.

"Ok. I've already started packing for 1. so Jason you don't have to worry about a baby running around!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Your leaving!?" Lila says.

"It doesn't seem like you want me here anyway." I say back.

"I do. I was just surprised. My good friend is pregnant! I would at least think Morgan got pregnant before you! ok I'm sorry"
Lila explains.

"It's ok. but your still going to be mad at me." I say quietly.

"Enough waiting. Since I have custody I will be a grandma to this baby but that's doesn't mean Lila or Jason is his or her niece or nephew. But, Lila this will be your niece or nephew. Jason this baby will be your son or daughter." Tina explains.

"WHAT!?" Lila and Jason both scream. I automatically start crying.

"Calie is pregnant with Jason's baby." Lila says looking confused.

"Yea" I say.

"That little brat will be my little brat" Jason says smiling but he looks terrified.

"Now, that we got that out of the way. How did this happen?" Tina asks me and Jason.

"Mom, same way Lila and u happened" Jason says. we all laugh.

"Well, yea but when?" Tina says smiling.

"Before she moved in." Jason says.

"Ok, so it wasn't when you lived here. whew." Tina sighs.

"Wait, Cal. You can't leave." Lila says.

"Lila, I don't want your mom to pay for all the doctors appointments. I don't want you guys to have to support me... I don't want..." I explain before Tina cuts me off.

"That's my grand baby. My first grand baby. That's my sons' baby. That's my daughters' niece or nephew. You're staying here." Tina says smiling.

"But.." I try again.

"No buts! Lila and Jason go help Calie unpack before dinner." Tina tells us.

"Ok" Jason and Lila say.

We all walk upstairs.

"Sooo, when can we figure out what we are having?" Jason asks.

"Jason, she's only a month along!" Lila says hitting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I just want to know if I'm going to have a son or not" Jason says rubbing his shoulder.

"I will be able to find out next appointment. at least that's what the nurse said." I said seriously.

We end up unpacking everything in about an hour. I went to go take a shower when I heard the phone ring. I heard Tina scream and start dancing. It was quite funny to watch actually. She called us all down and was smiling like crazy!

"OMG!! ok I just sounded like a teenager. ok well guess what?" Tina said not being able to stop smiling.

"What?" we all said in unison. we laughed.

"Calie, isn't having a baby."

My heart sunk. I started to tear up. "but, I heard the heart beat.. why are you smiling?"

"You are having TWINS!!!!" Tina screamed.

"OMG!!" Lila screamed and ran over to me rubbing my not so big baby bump.

"Twins?" I was crying, happy tears.

"Jason! We're having twins" I ran hugging him not realizing that I actually hugged him.

It got quiet. I pulled back. "I.. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Calie, your carrying my babies. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jason asks.

"Awwwwwwe" Lila screamed. We laughed.

"Yes!" Jason stood and kissed me. It felt so right to kiss him. I have a family.

"Ok,ok,ok. No sharing rooms. and absolutely no more babies!!" Tina said laughing but serious at the same time.

This is great. I actually feel like I have people that care about me no matter what. I love my new family life.

Hi!! ok so what do you think! Twins?! comment an vote!!

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