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I get up and am already having a bad day. I thought I could at least eat before but no. My lawyer called and said I needed to be there in 20 minutes. I get up and put on a nice blouse and a long skirt that goes good with the blouse. I put on some sandals and then get the twins in their seats. I have to take them to Tina's while I'm at court. Morgan will watch them. I pick up Amy, Tina, and Lila. Kyle is already in the car.

After about 2-3 hours of trial. Its over. He will get out in a year. I can actually feel safe for my ad my babies sake. The twins are now 5-6 months old. I got a job at the local diner down the street. It pays really well.

*Two Days Later*

I was at the diner and a handsome looking guy comes in. I seat him. "Anything to drink?"

"Uhm. Yes. Can I have a Pepsi?"

"Is Coke ok?"


"Okay, I'll be back with that. Here's your menu."

"Thank you."

I cry back about 5 minutes later with his drink. "here you are. Are you ready to order?"

"Are you on the menu?"

I giggle. "That menu? No I am not. Sorry."

"Darn. I guess I will have the double cheeseburger."

"Ok. I'll be back with that soon." I start to walk away but he asks me a question.

"Are you available tonight around 7?"

"I'll have to find a babysitter for my twins but my brother can watch them. Why?"

"I'd like to take you on a date tonight."

"Ok. I'm Calie."

"I'm Ryan." Ryan I know him from somewhere.

"Ryan? Ryan Hastings?"

"Yes! You remembered!"

"How could I forget you were my best friends brother."

"Well we moved and you kinda move on."

"Yes. But you and Lex will always be in my heart. Are you in town for the night?"

"Actually. I love at the apartments down the road. Lex lives about 3 away from me."

"Really? Me too. But I really need to get back to work. I'll talk to you later." I leave and walk away. Ryan is my ex BFF Lexi. She moved about 6-7 years ago and we lost contact. Since I'm 15 he must be 17. Lex is 15 too. I can't wait to see them. Ryan hands me his number and I return to working.

When I'm done with work it's around 3 so I head to Tina's and get the twins. I take them to the park. This young girl about my age was there with her son. She looked a lot like Lex. I saw Ryan running to her and they talked. He spotted me pushing the twins in the swings and walked over to me with the girl and the little boy. "Hey!"


"Um. Calie this is Lexi."

"Lex!! OMG I missed you so much! How are you?" I said hugging her.

"I'm good. How are you?" she replies smiling.

"I'm great. Now anyway. These are my twins. Cameron and Avery they are about 6 months old."

"Really? This is my son, Caleb. He is just over 6 months!"

"I can't believe you had a baby. You always said you were never going to have kids."

"I know. But I wouldn't trade this little guy or anything."

"Me either. I love the twins. I'm actually 3 months pregnant."

"Wow. Who's the lucky man?"

"Actually he's in jail for a year. He, uhm, beat me."

"OMG! I'm so sorry. So are all 3 his."

"Yes. I wish they weren't but I don't regret it."

"Wow. Who was it?"

"Well do you remember Lila's older brother Jason?"

"Wow. I can't believe he would do something like that. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Cameron started crying and I took him out of his seat. I introduced him to Caleb and we all decided we can go to my house and catch up. Ryan grabbed Avery and she loved him already.

"So. Ryan and you are going on a date?"

"Oh. Yeah. Kyle is going to watch them."

"Wow. Kyle. I haven't seen him in forever."

"He lives with me now. He goes to college here and needed a place to stay so I let him stay here. I mean the twins love him and he loves them so it's great."

"Kyle must not have told you?"


"Caleb is Kyle's baby. They have been dating for almost a year." Ryan explains and almost on que Kyle walks through the door.

"I'm ho... Well hi everybody."

"Kyle why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't want dad an mom to find out they would freak."

"Kyle your dating one of my best friends! And you have a son!"

"Sorry. I was going to tell you then all this shit with Jason came up and didn't have the chance." He goes to Caleb ad picks him tickling him. He kisses Lex and turns back to me.

"I'm so happy!" I say hugging him and Lex.

"Thanks, Calie. Now how is Cam?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tina told me that he had Leukemia.."

"Oh. He's cured of it for now. Avery is great too."

"What happened?" Ryan asks.

"Well a little after Cam got cured. I got hate calls, messages, and stalked like things happening back home. So me, Jason, Tina, lLila, Amy, Morgan and the twins all ran here to Tina's beach house. Well after about a week Chelsey, the one that threatened us, came to kidnap the twins." They all looked like they just saw a ghost. "Well she got the twins but put Cameron in a bush and took Avery. Then they ended up getting in a crash and Avery flew out in her carseat because it wasn't buckled right. She almost died but she pulled through. Then, Jason and I stated fighting alot so I decided to look for a house for me an the twins to live. Well Jason ended up moving back here and we were planning our wedding. He got mad one day and started beating me. His sister Lila called the cops and I was taken to the hospital. There I was told that I was 3 months pregnant. and now he's in jail for a year. And here I am."

"II'm so sorry Calie!!" Lex screamed running to hug me.

"Wow." Ryan and Kyle big said.

"I'm okay now though."

We sit and talk for about another hour or two before Caleb gets fussy and Lex and Kyle take him home. The twins were already asleep.

"So. Instead if going out do you just wanna stay here?"


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