Chapter Ten

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Back in our room, Amora and I tear through our shared closet looking for something to wear, both for her and for me. Neither of us, however, seem to be having any luck.

"Ugh! I've outgrown every freaking piece of clothing that I own because of that stupid change!" I yell in frustration, throwing down an old top that no longer fits. Everything I try on is either too short, too tight, or both.

"We're the same size. You can borrow my clothes until we can buy you some new ones," Amora offers. I hesitate, touched by her offer. She smiles warmly, like there's nothing she'd rather do than help me and, in this moment, she reminds me so much of my best friend back home, Becky, that tears are nearly brought to my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I ask her.

She waves a hand at me. "Yes, I'm sure. You're like my best friend."

I grin and give her a huge hug, one that she returns with enthusiasm. She pats my back until Beauty comes over and nudges her large head in between the two of use, not happy that the attention is not focused on her. The two of us laugh and shower the tiger with praise and light head scratches, of which, the beast accepts with a happy purr.

Amora eventually decides, with my help, on wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a hot pink and white striped tank top and a pair of white heels. It's an outfit that I know I could never pull off, but the demigod of Aphrodite not only pulls it off, but rocks the ensemble. She pulls her blonde curls back so that it's half up, half down with a few loose strands to frame her delicate face. She looks great, especially with the glow of excitement in her cheeks.

"You look great," I tell her honestly, smiling when I see how much she's anticipating her date. Her already big eyes are wide with excitement and she's trying to hide the nervous smile that keeps popping up on her lips. Did I look like that when I went on my date with Theo?

"You think Egan will like it?" she asks worriedly. Amora fidgets with her clothes nervously in front of the mirror as if she isn't already perfect. Hello? Aphrodite's demigod? Does she not see the perfection that stares at her from her reflection?

"He'll love it," I assure her, just as a knock sounds at the door. 

"Oh my gods! It's him!" Amora panics clutching her hands in a nervous manner. She bounces up and down, staring at the door like it's about to open up and swallow her alive.

I pat her shoulder, suppressing a chuckle. "It's okay, Amora. I'll get the door."

I walk over and open the door, revealing a very nervous looking Egan. He wears a pair of dark jeans, a white button down shirt and a wavering smile. He waves a little while offering a quick "hey, Laila." His wine red eyes are wide with excitement and nerves that rival even Amora's.

"Nervous?" I ask in a low voice, too low for Amora to hear. Not like she's listening anyway. She escaped into the bathroom when I'd opened the door.

He grimaces. "Is it that obvious?" he asks, worry coloring his tone.

Smiling, I nod. "Afraid so, but if it helps, she's just as nervous as you are."

He gives me a grateful smile before Amora clears her throat. I turn around to see her emerging from the bathroom as she shoves an extra tube of lipstick into her purse. It's not like she needs it. Part of her aphrodisiac charm is that she looks amazing all the time. Something I'm a little envious of.

"Have fun, you guys!" I say, pushing Amora towards Egan before she tries to escape again. I see them grin at each other bashfully before I shut the door. I laugh as the door clicks shut. And to think that yesterday he was convinced that she was using her powers on him and she thought that he hated her. How quickly things happen in this place. I look at the clock and find that I have twenty minutes until I have to meet the gang at the willow tree.

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