A Secret Admirer//Chapter One

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"So, who do you think it's from?"

Sal held the small page of paper out in front of him,examining it more for any clues to who may have left it for him as he leaned against the metal lockers in the hallway.

"Well?" He said urging his friend to answer. Larry shrugged and folded his arms,"dunno dude, maybe it was from somebody in our friend group like,Maple? She's told me before that she thinks you're cool." Sal shook his head, "No, I don't think so. Plus this doesn't even look like her hand writing!" Sal stated and forced the paper in Larry's face.

"Geez Sally, calm your shit..how come your getting so worked up about this anyway?" Larry asked. "Sorry. It's just that I've never actually had these types of things before..I just wanna know who gave it to me" Sal replied.

He looked down at the paper in his hands, reading it one more time in his head. It read:

"I've always admired you from a distance, never looking for more than a second. I wish I could call you mine, but..I can't. I feel pain wanting to"

The letter ends there with a few words scribbled out, unreadable through the black pencil lead.

Sal folded the small paper into squares and tucked it into his back pocket, "but it's not like I want to get into a relationship right away with this person. Depends on who they are really." Larry nodded,"yeah..that makes sense."

Sal closed his locker door, "you can go back to class, Lar, I have to fix the straps on my prosthetic real quick. If you need me I'll be in the bathroom." Larry tucked his hands into his front pockets, "alright dude. I'll see you in a bit".

They walked their separate paths in the hall. Sal pushed the heavy bathroom door open, expecting at least one person to be in there, if there was, Sal would have to wait for them to leave. Luckily for him, nobody seemed to be in the bathroom at the moment.

Gotta make this quick, he thought. Sal reached behind his head and proceeded to tighten the straps holding the prosthetic to his face. Anxiety slowly ate away at him as his fear of somebody walking in and accidentally seeing his 'actual face' worsened as seconds went by.


Sal successfully finished his breathe taking task and let out a sigh of relief. He double checked in the bathroom mirror to make sure he had tightened the straps correctly. They looked good.

The door swung open, hitting the wall near it with a terrible noise. Sal flinched and turned his head to the source of the sound.

"Shit"  was all Sal could mutter out. Travis Phelps stood there with his hands balled into fist. Sal was surprised to see that Travis wasn't all pissy like he usually was. Instead a frown rested heavily on his face.

Sal wasn't sure what to do, he cleared his throat and started to speak. "Hey?" He said. Sal received no answer from Travis.


Sal slowly motioned towards Travis,stopping a few feet in front of his bully. "Are you okay?"  Sal said. He could see now that Travis had been crying,his eyes were strained and puffy.

After a few more moments,Travis finally made some sort of noise. "Fuck off, Fisher"  he said, his voice low and gravelly. Sal tried to ignore his insult and continued, "What happened? I can see you were obviously crying." Sal added "I can try to help you if you want."

Even though Travis was a complete asshole to Sal and his friends,he still felt bad for him. Seeing Travis distressed only made Sal feel bad as well, he felt like he needed to help him.

The room fell silent. Travis quickly advanced towards Sal, Sal instinctively stepped back only for his back to hit the white tile wall.

"Come on,Travis..you really don't need to--" Sal was stopped mid sentence and lurched forward in pain, Travis had punched him in the stomach and did so one more time.

Sal was able to move fast enough after the second hit. All He would need to do is get some sort of space away from Travis, then maybe he could get away..

"Get over here, f*ggot!"  Travis called. He ran towards Sal and pushed him into the wall. Sal's side hit the wall, sending a hot pain up his body. He quickly got to his feet but Travis was already pinning him to wall.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Sal yelled, trying to push the taller teen away. Travis inched closer to Sal, his face nearly touching the other boy's.

"You are. You and your little boyfriend are my problem, Fisher!"  Travis reeled his arm back, his hand forming clumsily into a fist and shot foward.

The bathroom door opened slowly, Larry walked in holding a book bag in his hands. "Sal are you in h--" his eyes widened as he realized what was going on. Larry dropped the bag to the floor and ran towards Travis,pulling him off of Sal and throwing him to the ground.

"Stay away from my friend you, asshole!" Larry yelled. He quickly got to his knees to help Sal up. Sal groaned as he tried to lift himself. Larry grabbed Sal's arm and marched toward the exit,dragging Sal along.

"Come on, let's go!" He called.

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