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Earth 1

Barry is still trying to run, but even though DeVoe is out of sight, he still can't use his powers. He feels useless, powerless and empty. He feels as if someone drained everything, every emotion, happy moment, sad moment of his life. He falls to the ground, sobbing. He now realises he has lost everything. He lost his wife, Iris West Allen, his "dad" Joe West, his bestfriends Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow and Wells. And also, his friends from an other city, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle and especially Oliver Queen. He was all alone, during what looked like the end of the world.
Earth 38

Kara was still mourning Mon-el's leave, when Reign attacked the DEO.
She flyed over there, quickly. When she arrived, everything was ravished, plus Alex Danvers, her adoptive sister was missing.

"Reign made everything vibrate so quickly, I couldn't see a thing! Alex was right next to me, and then right afterwards she was gone, and so was Reign!!" Hank says to Kara

Kara didn't know what to say. The only thing she knew is that she had to find her sister.

She then flyed all over National City, but she didn't see or hear anything. She was extremely scared. She had just lost Monel, she couldn't loose her sister as well.
So she continued to fly all over the city, with hope that she would hear her sister. But Reign was good. She was the biggest encounter Supergirl ever faced, and she was afraid she would loose. She was feeling vulnerable and didn't want that to weaken her.. even if it did...

Earth 1

Barry was still on the ground. Re-living the last few minutes, over and over, in his head. This was his worst nightmare. But it wasn't a nightmare.. it was real. He lost everyone. And DeVoe will have to pay for what he did.

DeVoe then appears out of nowhere.

" GO TO HELL DEVOE!!!" Barry screams.

"YES!! That's the anger I'm taking about! Use that to your advantage and help me change the world!"

" I will NEVER do anything for you or with you EVER."

"Oh.. but you will Barry Allen. See, you don't even know my next step for my plan. You are so behind, it's quite amusing! Eventually, you will help me. Do you know why?"

Barry says nothing, and tries to run away, but he still didn't have his powers.

" You will help me, because you will re-live this day for the rest of your life. It will become unbearable, and it will kill you inside everyday. But once you realise how it could help you and everyone, if you join me. You will forget about your dead friends and family. You will only think about you. Because now, you only have yourself. Eveyone is gone."

DeVoe then disappears as quickly as he appeared.

Barry then thinks..

" I am not alone. He didn't remove everyone of my life.."

Barry then tries to run, and realises he got his powers back. So he runs as fast as he can, and suddenly see's the blue lights to the portal. He now knows, he isn't alone anymore.

If it's confusing please tell me!
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