Life Starts Now

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The ground rumbled beneath you as your arm laid on your face in a futile attempt to block out the early morning sunlight. You groaned softly, leaning upwards tilting your head side to side stretching. The cool air caused goosebumps to rise on your skin as you remembered you had shed the upper part of your attire and footwear as you crashed into the warm bed. You looked to the side and saw the outline of a woman under the covers. Your eyes widened in surprise. Your eyes traveled towards her head and you saw short lavender hair. You sighed in relief and ran a hand through your unruly hair.

(Y/n): Good morning my darling.

This woman had captured your heart and yet for some reason... you couldn't remember her name. It was hazy in your mind, but it was on the tip of your tongue. It was J.... something. J-Janko? No that couldn't be it. Jeri... Jericho? Yeah! Jericho was her name! No you didn't do anything inappropriate, but the last time you two were together you had to share a bed. Happy memories conjured up as you remembered her flustered face. Your smile widened as you reached over to pull her closer to you. As you gripped Jericho's shoulder her form disappeared and was replaced by a pillow.

(Y/n): Oh... that's right.

You sighed and let a deep frown overtake your features. An overwhelming pain spread in your heart as you remembered how you two had parted. The door suddenly flew open drawing your attention. Standing in the doorway was Hawk.

Hawk: Oh you're actually awake. Thank you for making my morning easier.

(Y/n): No problem, could I get a little privacy?

Hawk: Right.

You didn't know how, but this pig managed to close the door which seemed to defy logic, but why question it right? You stood up out of bed throwing the blankets you slept with into a big pile next to your bed. You walked around the room gathering the strewn out pieces of your armor and slipped them back on. Finally ending with slipping on your boots before standing up and stretching. You let out a sigh as you tied the face wrap around your neck. You sluggishly walked to the door and pulled it open. You stepped outside before you closed the wooden door and began heading downstairs. It surprised you how much someone could affect you. Leaving Jericho crushed you. In fact, your life has been filled with sorrow. Your mother hugged you with a warmth you can only grasp at now, your father was forcibly taken from you and left you with a message of love. Jericho brought back the smile your father's passing stole and hugged you with a warmth you could only compare to your mothers. And like everything else in your life, she was taken away from you. The only thing that hasn't been taken or destroyed was Lady Elizabeth. Guarding her was your main purpose in life now. You growled as you remembered Meliodas groping your Elizabeth. Wait your Elizabeth? You shook your head and looked up.

(Y/n): Good m-

Your eyes turned into a sharp glare as you spotted Elizabeth in a rather constricting outfit and Melodias was lifting up her skirt. You charged towards the two and lifted your leg. Your shin came into contact with Melodias's face and he went flying into a wall.

Elizabeth: Lord Melodias!

(Y/n): I warned you! You filthy pervert!

Meliodas: Good morning to you too (Y/n).

You turned to Elizabeth with a pout.

(Y/n): Why do you let him grope you like that? It's inappropriate.

Elizabeth: Well I-

Meliodas: I bet you just want to keep her to yourself and grope her to your heart's content-

You pointed across the room.

(Y/n): Quiet pervert!

You glanced out of the corner of your eye and saw Elizabeth had a hand on her cheek and she was blushing furiously. You went to question her again, but the ground beneath you shook and came to an abrupt halt. Elizabeth nearly flew forward but fell forward into your chest staring up at you.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male Reader (2018)Where stories live. Discover now