Shop Till You Drop!

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Lizzy POV:

Daddy and I walked hand in hand into the mall, it was huge, I never really had the time to look around the city I was living in sadly but now was my chance, finally! I gripped his hand a little nervous, there was bunches of people and I didn't know how to feel. At least I left my sippy in the car.

"Lizzy? Are you ok?" Daddy's voice broke through my thoughts as I looked up at him, quickly hugging him extra tight as to hide my face.

"People daddy... Everywhere..." I mumble into his chest, only now getting a feel for how strong he really could be. I felt a small chuckle rumble through his chest.

"Daddy will protect you little one. Lets go start our day ok?" Gently he is able to pry my face from his chest and makes me look at him. He's so pretty. I turn my head, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm while my cheeks go rosey.

"Kay." I reply after and move back. Daddy helps me take off my coat and I carry it as we begin to walk around. We go in stores like the Deb Shop, and Bath n Body Works, as well as Hot Topic and Build A Bear. I was really nervous about the Build A Bear, last time I did it I was only about 5. We looked and looked at the rather large selection of furry friends, they were all so cute! I wanted a kitty!

"Well baby which skin would you like?" Daddy asked me. I turned, getting ready to pick up a cream kitty I saw earlier before I noticed and empty crate. I looked in the little slot to find only one skin left so I begin to pull it out. Once the fluffy skin is out and I can really see it I coo loudly.

I don't hate bunnies but I usually find other things I enjoy more. But THIS one, I needed her! I hug the skin to my chest, begining to rock onto the balls of my foot.

"Please please please please please please!?" I ask and point to the stuffed version sitting on the wall so daddy can see it.

"Of course baby this is all for you! You pick her out, and you can have two outfits ok?" My mouth dropped. Two? TWO!? I leaned forward and hugged my daddy so tight his head could have fallen off. He eventually pulls me back and kisses my forehead before we walk over to the stuffing machine. I step on the peddle to make her nice and fluffy while daddy and the woman talked. She was a really nice older woman, but she made sure not to leave me out! Soon enough my bunny was all nice and fluffed up, so the lady closed her back an handed me my new friend. Daddy took my hand as we walked to the other side of the room to look at outfits. I wanted something blue for her. She needs a name, I hate calling her just she. I begin to stare into my bunny's eyes while daddy was outfit hunting. "Baby girl? You ok?" Daddy asked.

"Lilac!" Cue daddy's dumbfounded look. "No no wait, uh... Rosie! No those flowers aren't roses.... Uh..."

"How about Delilah?" Daddy suggests once he understands what I'm going on about. I shake my head, the song with that name is pretty but not for my bunny friend. Suddenly daddy's face lights up. "Princess, name her Petals!" He says and looks at me awaiting an answer.

"Petals! I love it!" I cheer and again hug daddy. He's so smart! I hope I can be smart like him! We soon pull away and I pick up a blue sundress for Petals, followed by a cute pink onesie with holes for her ears in the hood. Daddy said I can get shoes too so I get her a nice pair of sandals. "I done daddy." I soon say and he walks over to the register with me hot on his heels for the birth certificate station. As soon as daddy pays I get to name her! But I have to remember to thank daddy lots for spoiling me. He says he wants to but I still don't like it.

"Do you want the toy in the bag?" I here another lady ask daddy, I just finished spelling petals when I look over my shoulder to see a girl leaning over the counter somewhat and smiling at daddy. I know her from one of my classes last semester. She's a bitch, and Im not the type of girl to just throw that name around, its mean! I growl softly as I see her, unable to help it. He's MINE.

"No, thanks, Im sure she'd rather carry her. Right Lizzy?" Daddy asks and they both look at me now. The room turns silent aside from the gentle hum of the stuffing machine turning and the printer spitting out Petals' birth certificate. The girls face turns sour, but I don't know if daddy catches it. Embarrassed and ashamed I put my head down and just nod. I don't realize that his smile disappears from his face.

"Fine, whatever." She says and holds Petals out by her ear for me like she's diseased.. Is it cause I already touched her? I sigh and get up from the fun bouncy stool, I couldn't just tell her to put it in the bag now da... Lucas would get suspicious. I whine at the thought of not calling him daddy, I whine from being trapped now.  Petals' birth certificate gets slid into daddy's duffle back where it'll be safe. But I almost want to burn it. I take his hand and cuddle my bunny, she smelled like pretty lilacs from the scent Lucas let me put in. It made me want to vomit. I cant helo but let a small gag noise escape.

"Baby girl whats wrong? Are you ok? Are you feeling sick? Don't tell me I gave you icky fishy crackers." He says, egging me on to smile, but I just cant, like my lips are boulders.

"M okay Lucas..." I mumble. This is where he grabs my cheeks and makes me look at him. He see the tears rolling down my cheeks and he looks like he could cry too. Im a terrible little to him. He hates me now.

"Lizzy..? Was it Candi?" He asks. I can't help but nod. Her name was Candi shouldn't she be sweet and not a meanie who wears her shirts too low and her skirts to high? Shouldn't she not flirt with teachers and every other guy on campus? Shouldn't she not be able to work at one of the bestest, cutest places on Earth know as build a bear? I start to hiccup. We aren't far from the exit, nor the car, I don't want Candi to see me cry and tease me for it. "Awe my poor baby. Candi has always been a not nice person, its not just you. Why did she upset you?"

"S-she held Petals like she was diseased cause me to-toucheded her alweady..." I was flashing between headspaces I didn't know what to do. I panicked and started holding my breath as daddy rubbed my cheeks.

"Awe my poor baby... Lizzy come on sweet pea. Breathe.. Breathe..." I took a breath and started to hiccup and hyperventilate and break down into loud sobs. I couldn't control myself, I've always been fragile. Daddy started to get worried about me. "No baby no not like that. Breathe! Deep breaths. Slow down you're ok.. You're ok.. Here I know its a little warm but sip.. Yeah, good girl... There's my angel.. Breath in... Hold it... Ok now out.. There we go." He gave me another sip of the cool water from his water bottle as my breathing started to turn back to normal. I inhaled deeply, getting a whiff of lilac from my bunny. She made me feel better, her and daddy.

"Me sowwy..."

"Please don't be." He kissed my head which made me giggle. "Lets get some slushies and then head back home, yeah?"

"Yeah!" I cheered and we walked back past the build a bear, towards the auntie anns with our heads held high! Thanks to daddy I won't let Candi upset me anymore!

Omg this one took forever! I'll try to get on a once a week updating schedule and hopefully it'll stick! Till then please enjoy!

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