Wittle Baby Giwl

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Lucas P.O.V:

I felt a cold air sweep through the hospital room i was still in, still half asleep i tugged at the paper blanket, trying to pull it higher but only to find it wasn't anywhere on the bed. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes in the darkness to find despite the rail, Lizzy was not in bed with me either. It was so early in the morning i just assumed she had to pee, or perhaps was getting a snack after emptying out her stomach yesterday afternoon. Speaking of pee I kinda gotta go now. Chuckling at my thoughts i swung my legs off the bed to head towards my bathroom door but as I approached i realized the light was on and water running from the inside. I thought that perhaps it was Lizzy, going potty as I suspected earlier, until i heard sobbing and hiccups. Not thinking i just opened the door, thank god it wasn't locked because as I feared there sat my baby in the corner of the small shower butt naked with the water going. She rocked herself in the fetal position, mumbling to herself and not realizing i has entered.

"Dada mads... Dada.. Dada hate Wizzy!" She cried and tried to wipe her tears.

"Hate? Princess why would daddy hate you?" I spoke, but she screamed in fear and scrambled away from me. At least she tried to anyway. Still neck deep in her baby space she didn't understand and frankly neither did I. "Lizzy, tell daddy what happened?" I asked and reached into the running water, managing to flick away a tear or two since she backed herself into a corner.

"P-pee pee..." Lizzy mumbled.

"Awe sweet why would daddy be mad you gotta go pee pee? There's a toilet right over there honey come to daddy he'll dry you off and help you go potty." I spoke gently not wanting to scare her more as I held out my hand but refused to take it. Rather she rapidly shook her head and pointed out the door into my hospital room.

"Dada pee pee..." She said and started to cry again, a little louder though. I got up and went out to the room, flicking on the light to see what she had meant. It was clear as day once the light had been turned on. There sat a huge puddle on the bed, and a heap of wet bottoms on the floor on her side. My poor little princess. As I stared it just so happen a nurse entered the room.

"I heard a scream, is everything ok bud?" It wasn't the buddy I had made before my nap. If fact it was a young man, looking fresh out of med school, his red hair pulled back into a small ponytail.

"Yeah man. Hey, do you um.. Have access to diapers?" He looked at me a little puzzled before I spoke again. "For my girlfriend. Look Im not gonna sugar coat it, she's not in her normal mind set since yesterday, and she accidentally wet the bed and I'm sure she's still exhausted id like to put her back to bed please." Quickly his emerald eyes lit up.

"Oh! You're that room!" He mumbled something into his pager I didn't make out before strutting over to the bed and begining to strip it. "Sorry I'm not Linda dude, but Elizabeth is so sweet, I feel bad she's trapped in a baby headspace right now but don't worry she'll get out of it after she knows you'll be ok to go to school and go home again. She actually had me text your buddy when we went downstairs for cocoa, he'll be over around 10 with some things for you guys." I stared in shock as he placed the soiled sheets into a bag and began to dress the bed all over again. This must have been the coworker Linda told me about briefly.

"Is it Lu?" I asked him as he neatly folded the corners of the sheet to tuck under the mattress.

"Yeppers! And by how she talked about him you all seem to be really good friends. Its always nice to have someone support your lifestyle! Especially the more exotic ones." He explain as another nurse entered the room, holding a rather large plastic bag. "Ah and here are the pants! Do you know what you're doing to get her changed, mate?" He asked after handing me the bag filled with multiple diapers, and a few plastic pants, all for Lizzy.

"No thank you, uh, I'm sorry I never caught your name. Id like to keep you in mind if another incident occurs."

"Dylan, Dylan Rider." He smiled at me again, putting Lizzy's soiled garments in another bag to go wash. His smile was contiguous so I returned it.

"Thank you Dylan, for all of this!" I said gratefully before slipping into the bathroom where Lizzy still sat, no longer crying thank goodness but instead splashing around in the small puddle of water.

"Dada!" Her eyes lit up as she noticed me walk in and instantly made grabby hands. I'm surprised she seemed to forget so fast but if it means we can both get some more shut eye before Lu shows up I'm not complaining.

"Yes baby, dada is here. Come on out so we can dry you off and get some more sleepy bye kay? We gotta rest up for uncle Lu!" I smile and watched her crawl from the tub to the middle of the floor, sitting there shivering and hugging herself. "Shhh baby cakes its ok, daddy's gonna dry you off, nice and good... There we go. Lay back darling.. Good girl!" She was now laying on the towel i had dried her off with and smiled at me from between her legs. Her entire body was smooth and pale, like a little dolly. Well aside from her neither regions which had little prickles of hair everywhere, but that's besides the point. My cupcake sneezed which broke me out of my trance that I hadn't realized I was in staring at her body. It made me realize I never told her I loved her.. I shake away my lewd thoughts before guiding the diaper on to her body, which surprisingly enough she did not protest in or even wiggle. This may or may not have been due to the bright red lady bug climbing up the tile wall, but I digress.

After she is fully changed I dress her into the shirt I arrived to the hospital in, it went almost to her midthighs which was enough for me. As I lay her in bed her eyes are already closed and her breathing slow. I smile and kiss her forehead as I snuggle in close to my little peach. "Oh Lizzy.. Daddy loves you so so much princess." I felt her go a little rigid but i took it as a chill before hugging her tighter and closing my own eyes. I don't think what I hear was a dream either but I swear I heard Lizzy tell me something.

"Wizzy... Wub dada too. Hehe." And then the world turned off for another few hours.

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