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"You must listen and look. Know before anyone else which side falls first. If Lord Satan is defeated, you must flee. You run and you never return, do you understand me?! Use the spell I taught you and take the satchel I packed."

"But Mother, won't you be coming with me? I must wait for you-"

"Did you not hear what I said Aleksandria?! You MUST leave without me!...I will not be returning."

"No...Mother no, don't say such things!"

"If the demons' lose I will surely be dead. You must listen for His demands. If you hear his defeat, open the portal and go into hiding. Do you understand me?"

"...But...B-But Mother..."

"Look, I know darling. But this is unavoidable. We both know this." The demon gently cups her daughters face before pulling her into a hug.

"...Yes. I understand. I will not fail you Mother."

The demon gave a small smile down at her offspring before kissing her forehead.

"You don't deserve this, my sweet daughter. Live long. Stay hidden." Was all the woman said as she looked down at her pride and joy one last time, before exiting her sanctuary, and taking off into the dark sky above. Her obsidian scaled tail and limbs stuck out in the red-violet colored sky. The outline of her figure slowly growing smaller and fading from view.

"Goodbye Mother..."

~The Next Day~

Piercing blue irises stared wide eyed up into the sky, above the middle island of the girls homeland. Lord Satan was giving his speech of defeat, and was retreating into a portal of some kind with his last remaining General, Alciel.

The young girl's vision became watery and blurred as she knew now for a fact that her Mother now was confirmed to be deceased.

She ran inside the tiny cave she had been hidden in her whole life and picked up the large satchel laying by a now burnt out fire pit.

Summoning all the magic she could, the girl starts chanting the spell her Mother taught her. And within seconds a swirling indigo portal appeared before her.

Slinging the satchel bag over her shoulder and adjusting it tightly to her frame. The female's face hardened, and she took a deep breath...

"I will not disappoint you Mother."

...Before leaping into the vortex. It shrinking in size, and closing behind her.

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