༺Chapter 2༻

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Clocking out for the day, finally finishing her shift at a local floral shop, Aiko puts on her headphones and presses the shuffle button in her music library.

Shoving her phone in her pocket she holds the strap of her bag tightly and starts her trek home as the sun sets.

It has been a little over five months since she left her home world and settled down here on Earth. With the money she got from selling those stones, she had enough for about six months rent. So she was able to live comfortably in the beginning, but knew it wouldn't last long, since humans required food to live. And not to mention she needed clothes to blend in.

It was only a few weeks ago that Aiko had finally found a well paying job that could support her. And luckily it was not too far from her residence. Only about a 20 minute walk.

She had a cozy home, friendly neighbors, a good job, nice coworkers. She found entertainment in earth's music, cooking, something she learned that was called video games, and manga. Which to her surprise was literature, but with pictures.

But even with this seemingly content life she led...she was beyond bored. She was still by herself. No parents. No siblings. Not even any friends.

She didnt know how to make them.

Everyone she talked to just seemed to give off a vibe she did not like, or they were just too stupid for her to tolerate. A couple of her coworkers did neither, but again, she just did not know how to befriend them.

'Even as a human, I still can not seem to have what I always wished for...'

Pulling her from her depressing thoughts, the appearance of two people fighting on the opposite side of the sidewalk caught her attention. A man and a woman. She couldn't really make out their facial features, but the man had greenish black hair, and he was knelt down breathing heavily. While the fuchsia haired female yelled at him.

Aiko slowed her paced as she watched the male start walking off into some unknown direction, leaving the female behind. She stomped her feet on the ground before reaching in her pocket. A look of shocked crossed her face before it turned into that of reluctance. She soon started to solemnly walk in the same direction the man went.

Aiko was about to brush the whole situation off when she noticed something shine on the ground as she passed the street lamp. Raising an eyebrow the woman walked over to where the strangers were and noticed a red cell phone on the concrete.

'One of them must have dropped this. I should probably return it...Or, I could sell it and make some pocket money'

Aiko pulled down her headphones, resting them around her neck as she opened the phone. She sighed as she clicked the contacts application.

'Fine, I guess I'll be a good person today. Damn human guilt...'

The contacts were alphabetical, even though there were only a few. She dialed the first one on the list.


Holding the phone up to her ear she heard it begin to ring as she walked in the direction the other two people went.

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