Chapter 18

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3rd Person's POV

Or so he thought.

The two did enjoy each others company, but the lingering feeling of being watched ceased to diminish from his mind, he felt somebody was watching them, no to be precise, watching him. Even if he made sure he didn't lower his guards, he still enjoyed (name)'s time, talking to her and loving her all over again.

(name) was still oblivious to everything, not even realizing that someone was looking.

Levi was resting his head on her lap as she gently massaged his scalp with her soft delicate fingers, “a wife like you would be the best of the best (name)”, he muttered to himself, yet hearable to her ears causing her to blush in embarrassment.

“embarrassed, much?”, he fluttered his eyes open to look at her red face, “I should compliment you even more if I knew you'd behave like that my dear”, he cooed. She puffed her cheeks and looked away. “don't look away my dear, show me your beautiful face”, his hand reached to her soft cheek as he strokes it gently.




“you hungry?”


He sat up properly and looked at her, “tell me you're not hungry for blood”, he said with a small tone and in respond, (name) shook her head, “I want something sweet”. He stared at her, “you're acting like a craving pregnant-woman, (name)”. She shook her head again and again while waving her both hand indicating she wasn't what he thought, “n-n-n-n-noo”, she whined.

“alright, let's go to the bakery”, he got up on his feet and extend his hand so she could get up on her feet too. So the two of them went under the small cave which leads to the town, and he quickly change into 'Carnele'.

“won't it be hectic if they were to find out that vampires actually resides in the walls and are just close to them without them knowing?”, (name) asked as her face revealed how curious she was. Levi thought to himself, “it might be, but we should enjoy our life as humans before they found out anyway”, he shrugged his shoulder before pointing to a small shop, “that seems like a decent bakery”.

She nodded her head and hurried there with an excited face. As she arrived there, her eyes were sparkling in excitement and EVERYONE noticed it.

Levi snuck his hands into his pockets, feeling rather cold by the wind, “it's cold out here, let's go in”, he walked in first followed by an excited (name). 'so cute', he thought to himself. Levi only watched her from the centre as she eyes bread after bread searching for the right dessert.

“what can I help you with, beautiful lady?”, a young man with a charming smile on his face greeted her, he was the owner of the bakery shop. (name) looked at him with a bright smile, “show me the sweetest food you sell today”.

He nodded his head with the same amount of smile on his face, “very well, follow me”, he ushered her to go to the counter where what seemed like cupcakes aligned in trays with beautiful topping, “here are the sweetest we could offer today, what flavour do you like?”.

(name) eyed the beautiful decorated cupcakes with sparkles in her eyes, “I don't know”, she said blankly soon enough which made the said owner laughed. Levi was still staring at the two, he made sure that the owner wouldn't even lay a finger on her.

Yet, he spoke to soon. The owner touched (name)'s waist, as if dragging her to the tasting stand, but that soon stopped as Levi harshly pushed the owner away from (name). To which the owner ended up crashing his own windows and out from his shop, hence creating chaos.

“Levi?”, (name) gasped in shock as she looked at the commotion he just started. He growled, “let's just leave (name)”. “eh? But....”, she eyes the cute (f/c) (f/flavour) cupcake. He noticed and clicked his tongue in annoyance, he threw money to the counter and took the cupcake before giving it to her as he started transporting the two of them to somewhere else far from the commotion to which again, cause havoc, because the citizens just saw 2 people disappeared in thin air.

“what's wrong Levi?”, (name)'s delicate fingers touched Levi's rough hand. He looked around with alarmed eyes, “that asshole was touching you and I don't like it,....... make sure you eat that and stop your craves...”. She stared at him with blush on her cheeks before she munched on the said cupcake.

“wanch shome?(want some)”, her words turned out gibberish as she talked while she ate at the same time. Levi covered her mouth with his palm, “don't talk while you eat, you're creating a mess”. “nngg mmm nnungt! (no I'm not)”, her words were still muffled behind Levi's hand.

He sighed, “yes you are, you know we can do this everyday until one of us decides to give up, and of course it just had to be me when the truth was it was you-”, his mouth was blocked by a cupcake she just shoved so he could stop babbling.

After that, he shot a glare at her. She only smiled at him, revealing the innocent vibe coming out from her.

“it's sweet, right?”, she smiled sweetly at him, he only munched slowly and stared at her. “not as sweet as you”. As corny as it sounds, (name) still bought it. But that soon stopped as someone from behind him grabbed his arms and locked it with shackles.

“wha-!?”, he turned around noticing 2 humans covering themselves with a scent that wasn't human, capturing Levi.

“Levi Ackerman, you are under arrest for murdering a military police and you also create an assault to an innocent citizen creating chaos in the city, you are ordered to come with us with or without your consent!”, one of them said with a strict voice. (name) couldn't move in her spot, she tried to pry her beloved away from them but Levi showed no struggle.

“Levi.....please...”, her eyes began to water.

“I'm sorry miss but you have to attend court hearing too”.

“leave her alone, I'm the one who messed everything up, leave her be!”, he growled which stunned the two, and they ended up being hypnotized or some sort and completely ignored her very existence.

“ Levi stop!”, her eyes widened in disbelief, trying her best to stop the three, but they were unfazed. “I'm very sorry (name).... I couldn't keep your promise...”, he looked down to his feet, gulity as charged. (name)'s eyes began to water relentlessly. They kept on moving forward without a care to her and she was really upset.

The people began to surround the three of them as if they had captured monsters, people even start throwing vile things at him, smearing Levi with fruits and foods, some were scared, some were disgusted and some were in a state of disbelief. Soldiers began to pile up to stop them from throwing food and things to Levi.

(name) got pushed around until she couldn't even see him anymore.

Tears were running down her cheeks like a heavy rain, she was speechless and motionless, she couldn't even think properly with him in custody, The thought of losing him was on her mind which couldn't be dispose in any time soon.

[Miru's note:~ hello dear humans! I hereby apologize to you but still I am quite excited, cause this story is about to END  ISN'T THAT EXCITING?? But anyway comment your thoughts on this story, love you guys for reading!]

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