Forever Mine

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Chapter 23
(3 months later)
Finns pov:
I woke up in the bed next to Rachel , I looked over and smiled as she slept . She looked so peaceful and sweet , how did I get so lucky to be with her . I held her cheek and brushed my thumb against it . Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled at me ,

"Good morning sexy ." She said

"Good morning beautiful." I said and kissed her .

"Last night was fun." I told her .

"Yeah it was especially the part where you ... well you know." She said.

"Yeah I do by the way I think your underwear is in the car still." I said .

"Probably is ." She said .

We chuckled and she rolled on top of me and felt my instant boner .

"I see your friends awake." She said .

"Well only for you." I said squeezing her ass.

"Finny!" She chuckled .

"What? I like that ass ,it's your ass , my almost wife's ass." I said .

"I can't wait to be your wife." She said .

"Me either because if you think we're doing it a lot now just wait for the honeymoon ." I said .

She laughed and looked at me smiling ,

"You know I gotta shower but I can always take care of your friend ." She said rubbing my thigh.

I bit my lip and said ,

"As much as I would love it , if we don't get ready we'll be late."

"Oh come on , you don't even gotta cum just let me do it." She begged.

"I always cum for you." I said .

"I know ." She said.

"But really we can go later , we gotta get to work ." I said .

"You know I need a shower too, maybe I can join you." She said .

I smiled and said ,

"Okay , but no funny business." I said as we got up .

"I promise ." She said and followed me to the shower .

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