The Hospital

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Chapter 30
(3 hours later)
Finns pov:
Rachel got to the hospital and she has been in surgery for the last 3 hours . I haven't left the hospital and I'm covered in her blood . I sat there waiting when I heard my mom .


I stood up and she ran to me .

"Mom ." I said and I gave her a hug .

"How is she ?" She asked me .

I looked at her and for time in years I broke down and cried into her arms .

"This is all my fault." I said to her .

"It's okay honey , you're okay , it's going to be okay." She told me .

"Rachel Berry ?" The doctor said .

I turned around and said ,

"Hi I'm her fiancé ." I said .

"Hi nice to meet you . I'm Dr.Shaw nice to meet you ." He said .

"So what's going on ? Is she okay."

"Well , she's stable but in a coma . When the bullet hit her chest it caused a blood clot and she lost a lot of blood ." He told me .

"Can I see her ?" I asked .

"Of course ,follow me ." He said and took me to her room
Hey everyone so I wanted to know if y'all wanted a sequel just comment below if you do .


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