Evil Spirits All Over?! | Part 2 (1/2)

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This definantly goes out to SapphiresNguyen becuase they want to see more of my fabulouse writing...and the fabulous Lin!

Also, sorry this took so long! These chapters will be split into two to three parts from now on! Enjoy!



I wake up, do my duties at the temple and start riding my bike to the old school house...that's right, I' the caretaker of a temple, it was mother's, Kazuya wanted to go into the ghost hunting business, so he didn't have time to take care for it so now I both take care for it and live in it.

I walk in and stand next to Kazuya and the group, watching Ayako doing her exorcism.

"I stand here today to beseech the gods, I call upon them to descend from the heavens and to join us where no gods dwell, to end this ceaseless suffering and I ask that my humble plea may be heard, to reclaim peace on the spirts that are trapped in this haunted place." Ayako chants and I watch peacefully.

"What's she doing?" Mai asked.

"Have you never heard of Noruto?" Kazuya questioned.

"No, what's that?" Mai asked.

"They're just Shinto incantations...but I'm starting to wonder if she can even pull this off." Houshou spoke and I rose a brow. Does he really have little faith in Ayako?

"I've never seen anyone perform a Shinto exorcism before...let's watch." Kazuya says ad I sense Mai relax...and sudden presence behind me. I turn but no one was there, I raise a brow and walk toward the room.

"Huh? Uhm, senpai?" I perk up and look at Mai, who had a confused but worried look on her face. "Is something wrong?"

I look back to the room and shake my head.

"No. Thought I heard something." I walk back to my place and watch Ayako make her incantations, she finished then turned to the Principle.

"That's it, you'll have nothing to worry about." Ayako said.

"I have to say, I'm quite impressed." The vice principle spoke, I tuned out for the most of it because I was thinking about Lin, I hope he gets out soon. I break out of my daze when I hear a yawn.

"She's finally done." Houshou say and I smirk, hearing Mai yawn also, the two principles and Ayako walk to the entrance, but all the glass on the windows shattered and flew out towards them. Houshou looked at the principle who was on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, and John inspected the vice principle.

"This man is bleeding!" I gasp then check on Ayako.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she nods, fortunately, they were all fine...but something didn't sit right with me. An ambulance later came and took the principles to the hospital.

-     -     -     -     -

The Principle and Vice Principle had been taken to the hospital, I crossed my arms as I listen to Kuroda, turns out, she was the one in the room.

"I thought you said there'd be nothing to worry about now. Looks like your little exorcism didn't work. Your failure just sent the principle to the hospital." Kuroda taunted Ayako and I frown, Ayako glaring at her.

"That was a simple accident." Masako said softly, and I smile.

"Thank you, I think I did my job very well." She said.

"But I'm not saying your exorcism worked. It couldn't have, because there're no spirits here to begin with." Masako continues with makes Kuroda speak out.

"Yes, there are! I was nearly killed by one of them, earlier today!" Kuroda lashed out, not long after, John, Houshou, Kazuya and Mai walk into the base, finally joining us.

"Maybe it was a coincidence." John said to Houshou.

"Or there is something here, something too strong for Ayako to drive away." Houshou things and Kazuya folds his arms.

"If that were the case then there would be more conclusive reading on my equipment." He spoke, and I frown, Mai walks up to the monitors and sighs, I really hope she isn't blaming herself.

"Hey, that room didn't have a chair in it yesterday, did it?" She asked, and I moved to see it.

"That's one of the class rooms on the second floor." Kazuya stated, and Mai nodded.

"I set up a camera like you told me to. I swear, it wasn't there before." Mai says, and I frown, what is happening here?

"Houshou. Have you seen anyone go inside that class room?" Kazuya asked.

"No." He said, John hadn't seen anyone either. Kazuya rewinds the footage, just after the glass breaking, the chair gets dragged into the room, we all gasp.

"Was that a...ghost?" Mai asked.

"It looks to me, like a poltergeist." Kuroda said, and I raise a brow.

"A, poltergeist?" Mai asked.

"It's a German word, dating back four centuries that means noisy ghost." She says, pushing up her glasses. "They're manesfestaations that can influence and move objects at will."

Kazuya stands up and looks at her, she's spiked his interest I see.

"That is correct, but I don't think that's what we're dealing with." He says...never mind then. "Quite often when objects are being manipulated by a poltergeist will feel warm to the touch. If we look at our thermographic image, we can see the chair is not radiating heat."

"Don't forget Tisane's criteria." John added.

"Who's that?" Mai asked.

"E. Tisane, he was a French policeman who was the first one to classify Poltergeists. Throwing objects, strange noises, fires, door closing by themselves and so on. There are nine different criteria in all and we've seen several at this site. Doors shutting on their own, inanimate object moving and the glass breaking, three of the nine criteria." I listed.

"But...what about Kuroda getting attacked?" Mai asked.

"I'm afraid it was just her imagination." Masako spoke up and I rose a brow.

"Stop playing games with me! Why can't you admit that this place is haunted?!" Kuroda exclaimed angrily as Masako walked right outside of the door.

"Alright then, I'll try once more. I will sense them if there are any spirits here." She said and walked down the hall.

This is what I have for now and I will post the next part next week!

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