Hi !
My name is Jae'Naveah Lynn Harrison , but everybody calls me Jae Or Lynn . I'm 5'4" and dark skinned , with shoulder length hair but I always have my weave done so . I have a tattoo on my lower back , its a little heart with wings the wings say R . I . P Mom . Im 17 years old , my mother died in a driveby when I was 13 years old she was a thug forreaal , I'm following in her footsteps , except the getting shot part . My dad is the Drug Lord . I'm very well known in my city , Columbus , Ohio ( I Livee In Columbus , Thaats Why I Used It .. But On With The Book ) but the only person who knows what I've been through is my best friend / R . O . D / baby / and everything else , Imani . We've known each other since we was in diapers she's always there when I need her and I'm there when she needs me.
My Name Is Imani Marie Robertson , but everybody calls me Mariee . I'm 5'5" , brown skin and I have long hair.
Love No Thug
Teen FictionNot Only Boys Can Be Thugs ... ( Was Previously Named 'The Female Thug And The Drug Dealer )