Just The Beginning

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It was 7:50, and I was almost at school. I didn't want to go though because I knew everybody would mame fun of me. I'm used to it now though, so it doesn't faze me. I just ignore them or walk away. Also, I was overweight, so they teased me about that too. But what they didn't know was that I was changing everything.

I had History, Math, Algebra 1, Spanish and Music. Music was one of my favorites because I played the drums. I've been playing the drums since I was seven and I got really hooked.

When I got home, I saw Haylie sitting on the sofa, watching America's Next Top Model. She was addicted to that show.

"Hey, have you seen my necklace that Kevin gave me? You know, the one with the heart that I wore to your birthday?" She asked. Kevin was her boyfriend that she had since 10th grade. She's in college now.

"Um, I think I saw it on your nightstand. That's the last time I saw it."

"Okay I'll look later. How was school?"

"Same. Except no one really messed with me today. I was thinking about giving myself a makeover though."

"A makeover?! You are perfectly fine the way you are."

"I don't want to be bullied anymore. I want to be normal."

"You are normal. You are more than normal, Taylor. You are amazing. You shouldn't change because people want you to."

"But I want to, Hayley! Some people just don't understand that everyday I have to go through the same pain. They call me so many names and I just want it all to change."

"Okay.. If this makeover means so much to you, then I'll help you."

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