The Makeover

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For the rest of the afternoon, we planned how I was going to look, walk and act. I wanted to be like one of the "normal" girls at school. They didn't worry too much about how to looked. They were who they wanted to be. I wanted to be one of them.

We tried out several hairstyles and outfits. Hayley taught me how to stand up for myself and how to make new friends.

The next morning, Hayley straightened my hair and game me a pair of her old skinny jeans, a cute t-shirt, sandals and some bow shaped earrings. It wasn't me, but I liked it. I looked and felt like a normal teenage girl.

"You look so cute!" She exclaimed.

When I walked downstairs, my parents were staring at me, wide eyed.

"Taylor, you look so different. I mean, you look very pretty but why did you change? I like the old you."

"I wanted to feel pretty, mom. This is how I want to look."

"Whatever floats your boat, honey."

And off I went. Hayley usually drops me off and we hopped in her black 2014 Toyota Camry. She just recently got it. Once we got to school I got out of the car so quickly, I almost fell. People stared. Some people didn't recognize me. Everybody crowded around me and kept asking me questions. A lot of people wanted to be my friend all of a sudden. I turned them down because I knew they wanted to be my friend because of my looks.

Even my teachers stared. It was unusually awkward. I just kept walking anyway. At lunch, I was lost about where to sit. Many people waved me over but I just sat at the table I sit at everyday. I guess I sort of had friends.

"I think what you did was brave, Taylor." Sasha said. She was very punk-like. She got teased too. We were the "outcasts". I was so tired of being stereotyped. All of a sudden I saw someone new.

He looked really lost. He just kept wandering and saying hello to people. He came over to me and waved, so as the polite person I am, I waved back.

"Hi, um, I'm Christian." he said.

"I am too."

"No, my name is Christian. But I'm Christian too." He chuckled.

"Oh! I'm so stupid, sorry. Um, I'm Taylor. You lost?"

"Yeah. I'm kinda nervous. I haven't been to a public school since the 5th grade. I was homeschooled."

"Oh. Well it's not scary at all. Except for all the stuck-up people. They suck."

He laughed and replied,

"How long have you been here?"

"About a two years. I'm in eleventh grade."

"Me too."

"Oh okay."

We talked a bit more and it turned out that we had English and Algebra 1 together.

For some reason, I liked the new guy.

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