(y/n) = your name
(h/c)= hair color
(h/l) = hair length
(b/t)= body type
Y/N was sitting on a log near the lake, waiting for the egal to land on that one branch it had been circling for what seemed to be hours but was more likely to have been about 10-15 minutes. Y/N started to fidle with her camera polishing the lens. Then it happened. The egal had landed and Y/N had snapped the picture about seven times because she was using an old camera that's screen barelly ever worked, the one her best friend had gotten her before the move.It was starting to get dark out so she decided to head home... if that is even what she could call it.
Y/N was walking home when she heard someone cry out in pain,who the hell was that?????, she wondered as she walked toward the source of the sound. "Alfred?" she asked as the blond looked up at her from the akward position, she asumed he fell into, with his foot stuck in what seemed to have been a rabbit hole." Who are you and why do you know my name?" he asked looking slightly confused taking in her unique look of a grey long sleeve fitting her (b/t) nicely, a pare of old worn out jeans with a couple holes that suggested they were hand-me-downs, and a pair of old hiking boots. "It is y/n from class..." she said looking down at his foot wondering if that is why he yelped in pain."ohh... I could use a little help if you don't mind." he said with a slight adittude making her wonder why she has had a crush on the idiot for she doesn't even know how long. Being a somewhat good person she helps him with his foot and gets up to carry on with her day like any normal person when y/n realizes she left her camera next to Alfred. "SHIT!!!!!!!" she exclaimed hoping that the idiot hadn't had the nerve to look through her photo's.
She run's back to the location she left Alfred roughly 5 minutes ago discovering her fear was true. The dorkish looking guy was staring at the screen dumbfounded. He looked up just in time to see y/n tumbling toward him. Alfred grabbed y/n's sleeve as she reached for the camera and pulled it up exposing several large scares. " Did you do this to yourself?" he asks with concern and a gleam of sadness in his eyes. Y/n looks down at her flawed wrists and arms as her eyes filled with tears and nodded head. Then the most unexpected thing happened. Alfred leaned down and kissed each scar so gently y/n gasped in surprise. " Please don't do this to yourself y/n, you are beautiful, talented, special, and most of all perfect." Y/n stood their and cried into Alfed's arms as he whispered to her " Everything will be better now that I am here, I promise..." And for the first time y/n didn't doubt that things would get better, now that she had someone to confide in no matter how dorky or idiotic he may act she knew, he would and always will be their for her.
Hello, my darlings!
Sorry I know it is short but I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and maybe vote! Let me know how it was! Love Darlings!
~ celticcruelty