The Dragon of Knights

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It was a beautiful day outside, but a certain young man however, was not concerned with that as he had decided to go about wandered in underbelly of the castle.

At nineteen years of age he had all of the over confidence of a child but little to no experiences as an adult.

He smiled to himself as he explored. It had all gone smoothly so far.

He had told Amis that the belly of the castle would make for an absolutely wonderful adventure.

But Amis refused to go; telling tales of ghost and goblins and all other being of the supernatural. He even retold the tale of a cursed witch that lived under the castle.

The boy was, however, not frightened of supernatural creatures or witches in the slightest.

So after some though, he ventured into the bowels of the castle by himself.

In fact he hoped that he would run into one. Just to have the chance to do battle with a ghost.

One does not get that chance often as he had come to know.

Amis had complained about his interest and insisted that such a nice sunny day should not be wasted but the boy could have cared less. What was a sunny afternoon compared to a romp through the castle's underground tunnels?

After finding a torture chamber or two, he wandered into a small room filled with dried herbs and flowers.

But before he could properly look around, a girl around his age walked though the door and stopped short.

"You. Why are you here?" She asked him cautiously.

Right away, he noticed her eyes. Strange as they were, her right eye was violet in color and her left was emerald green. It wasn't long before he realized that they actually seemed to glow in the slightest, like a cat's eyes in the night.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes. They must be playing tricks on him. No one's eyes glow.

But then again her eye color wasn't exactly normal either.

He opened his eyes expecting her to be gone, a figment of his imagination, but she was still there. Just as real and as impatient as ever.

He stared shocked and blinking in surprise.

She circled around him; her odd eyes looking at his armor and red tunic, finally she said sharply,

"A young knight like yourself should be above the castle not below it."

Finally he spoke, "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? This isn't the place for a women such as yourself."

She looked absolutely insulted.

But before she could answer and he could explain what he meant, a young girl walked in and began to say, "mistress the-"

She stopped short as soon as she noticed him, her face nervous and surprised.

"Go back, Ayleth." She warned the young girl protectively.

"oh... I-I'm sorry." The young girl, Ayleth, said frightened and left; the chain around her leg dragging behind her.

"Who was-" the girl interrupted his question,

"She is my mine." She said strongly, her voice that of a protective mother's, He was shocked but managed to say, astonished,

"Your child? When exactly were you married off?"

"My servant," she said loudly, evidently embraced; she was in her eighteenth year and unmarried and Ayleth was in her fifteen, though her small stature made her appear much younger.

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