Part 1

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"Is that all you've got?" Jungkook mocked, as he spat out blood and wiped his lips using the back of his hand. A smirk playing on his bloodied lips.

"You think that's a good idea?" The hooded-figure laughed as he drove his fist into Jungkook's nose.

Jungkook's head snapped back and he stumbled backward, falling against the shutter of the closed shop. His hands rose to cover his nose, eyes squeezing shut in pain.

Before he could recover from the blow, the second hooded-figure lunged at him without any warning, kneeing him in the stomach.

Jungkook's knees buckled, his palms scraping against the concrete as he fell on all fours. His breath now coming in short, heavy bursts as he tried swallowing the pain.

Gathering the little energy he had left, he stood up, drawing his right arm back, ready to fight back when he let out a painful cry as he fell back causing the shutter to echo through the dark alley.

One of the two had punched Jungkook and the brass knuckles had drawn blood as they tore through his t-shirt.

What sounded like police sirens tore through the silent night and the hooded-figures kicked and spat at the collapsed form before running away as the sirens grew closer.

"Hey!" The girl ran towards the boy, dropped to her knees, placing her backpack on the ground as she nudged him.

"Hey! Are you okay? Can you hear me?" She shook his shoulders and tapped his cheek and finally let out a sigh of relief when she heard the boy groan in pain.

"No.. Cops... Go..." He mumbled between groans.

"Cops aren't coming. I just played an audio file on my phone to scare those men away." She explained as she helped him up to a sitting position.

She quickly rummaged through her backpack and found a bottle of water which she placed at Jungkook's lips, urging him to take a sip. His bruised hands moved to support the bottle but the movement made him yell in pain.

"It's alright, I am holding it."

The water trickled through the cuts in his lips and he winced.

She put the bottle away and started checking for any fatal wounds. She pushed back his hair, checking for any head wounds. As she let his hair fall back, her eyes locked with his eyes, his gaze so intense yet cold. She quickly broke eye contact and checked his arms and legs for any wounds. She noticed the blood stain on his shirt and her hands moved to his shirt when he flinched backward.

"I am just making sure there aren't any serious wounds. May I?" She received permission from a reluctant nod.

She pulled up his shirt gently, ensuring that she didn't cause him any more pain. As she lifted his shirt, he winced in pain. Fibres of his torn shirt had gotten stuck in the wound the brass knuckles had left behind.

"You will have to go the hospital. You might need stitches," the girl said examining the wound.

"Listen, Miss."



"My name is Lisa," she said extending her hand out of habit. She immediately pulled it back realizing he was in no state to shake her hand.

"Okay, Miss Lisa. Thank you for your help but I think I can manage on my own," he groaned as he tried to stand up.

"Really? That's great. I am just going to stand here then, just in case. Not that you need help," she said, understanding all too well that his words came from a hurt ego.

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