Part 3

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Jungkook opened his eyes to find a shadow looking down on him. He held up his hand to shade his eyes from the sun. His eyes finally adjusted to an annoyed Kim Taehyung. He shook his head, covered his eyes with his forearm and went back to sleep.

"Why Lisa even befriended you is beyond my understanding," Taehyung said, trying to rile up Jungkook and it worked as Jungkook's arm slowly came down, uncovering a pair dark, brooding eyes.

"Stay out of it."

"Well, you clearly don't give a damn about her, so someone else has to," Taehyung said, sitting down next to Jungkook.

Jungkook sat up against the tree he had been lying under. "You don't know what you are talking about, so stay out of it."

"I was staying out of it until now. For some reason, I kept thinking that giving you some space and time would be the best option. But apparently, one month wasn't long enough.''

"If you are here to give me a lecture on how I should live my life, now would be the best time to leave because your opinion is the last thing that matters to me." Jungkook scoffed.

"What about her? Does she matter?" Taehyung asked, trying his best to get through to Jungkook. Jungkook looked at him and immediately looked away. His hand absently plucking at the grass under him.

"I am going to take your silence as a yes."

"Taehyung, seriously why are you here? You have her, you have everything. Why do I even bother you at all?"

"Because you bother her."

"Bother her? I haven't even spoken to her in a month!"


"I don't know why you are making all this seem like some tragic story. We were friends, we had a falling out. That's all. Let's not blow this out of proportion. Alright?" Jungkook got up, brushing the dust off his pants.

"You weren't just friends. You didn't just have a 'fall out'." Taehyung pointed out.

"Is this you being all territorial about Lisa? Because, believe me, you have nothing to worry about. I am not after your girl." Jungkook's smirk disguising the pain he felt thinking about her with him.

"She isn't my girl. She never was my girl. She'll never be my girl. Don't for a second pretend that you didn't know what was happening since day one. All three of us knew that the only reason she went out with me was to get over you." Taehyung was losing the little patience he had.

"Can you get to your point? Are you annoyed by the fact that she didn't like you first? Because I honestly can't do anything about it." Jungkook knew that he was probably coming off as an arrogant jerk but he couldn't care less about what Taehyung thought of him.

"Stop being an asshole for one minute. You can pretend to me and to her that none of this affects you but stop lying to yourself. How much farther and longer can you run? Don't you think its time?"

"What do you want from me? What more does she want from me?!" Jungkook yelled out in frustration. "I walked away, goddamnit! Isn't that enough?!"

"Don't you dare make it sound like you did her a favour! You didn't walk away, you left her behind. I don't even understand why. You liked her, she liked you. She even confessed to you!"

"I walked away for her! What good could ever come from her being with a guy like me?! She deserves someone like you, not me! I pushed her towards you because you would make her happy, far more than I could have ever." Jungkook couldn't understand why he was getting crap for doing the right thing!

"You have got to be kidding me. That was your reason? You think she deserved me. Who the hell do you think you are to decide who she deserves?! She chose you! She felt that she deserved you!"

"Do you realize what you did in trying to be all noble and trying to protect her? You made her believe that she doesn't deserve to be liked by the guy she loves. Way to screw it up, Jeon Jungkook. The one person who saw the good in you and decided to love you for it, you pushed her away. Congratulations." Taehyung applauded Jungkook's idiocy.

As much as Jungkook hated to admit it, he could see that Taehyung was right.

Seeing how clueless Jungkook was, Taehyung laughed at himself recalling the time he had been just like Jungkook, courtesy the same girl.

Taehyung has just taken a wild chance by asking Lisa out, half prepared to be rejected outright. To his surprise, she actually agreed to go out with him. It puzzled him to no end as to why she hadn't rejected him and he fooled himself into thinking that maybe she liked him too.

However, after a couple of dates, it had become quite obvious to him that Lisa's heart never came along with her on any of those dates.

Nonetheless, he had held on, hopeful that one day she would stop yearning for another man while he sat across the table begging for her attention. Although it hurt a lot at the time, he accepted the fact that Jungkook was the one Lisa wanted.

He wasn't mad at her for wanting to be with the one she loved. He was mad at the idiot who had willingly walked away from someone like her.

Taehyung walked away, leaving Jungkook with his thoughts, hoping that at least something that he had said would knock enough sense into him to realize that if he doesn't do something soon, he stands to lose everything.

There would be no going back once Lisa decides to walk away, leaving him behind.


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