Chapter 5 - Maths

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(Ty Pov)

when I got into the halls I couldn't help but rush down it trying to spot the boys restroom when I could see the sign I ran into the room as all my tears were running down my cheeks, I rushed into one of the stalls locking it I could hear someone walking into the room.

"Ty want to talk about it?" I heard someone ask I didn't care anymore I just wanted my friends... I sobbed as I hugged my knees "Ty open the door please" he requested, "Leave me alone! I want to be left alone!" I shouted "it's Mitch I want to be here for you please don't push me away" he begged as I cried.

I could see Mitch's shadow outside the stall as I shivered, "please know I wont stand by again, I will come and help you if Mark ever dose this again" Mitch whispered, I could hear the bathroom door close behind him.

I pulled out my phone texting the only person who knew how to make me feel better, when staring at my phone what if he's busy? I could remember him telling me he'll always be here for me I wiped my tears away typing.


Deadlox: Sky I need you right now I'm crying my eyes out and I don't know how to stop and I have lessons to go to!

I kept whimpering waiting for a reply I could see Sky was already typing away.

Sky: Deadlox breathe in and out it's going to be ok? Just know you're amazing and you'll make it out alive

I slowly inhale in and out listening to Sky's words.

Deadlox: thanks... I just need a hug

I squeezed my knees tighter it felt like time had stopped just for me to clam down, but unlucky me I could hear the bell ring, I stood up fast and rushing out the room. I'll be late if I don't get going now!

I dried my face from my tears splashing some water from the sink on my face, I left the restroom running down the hall to my math lesson I opened the doors to have all eyes on me, it felt like everyone was judging everything about me.

I slowly walked to the back sitting in one of the chairs, as a group of girls came rushing in giggling "so me and Mark broke up again" she said earning awes from her friends, "heh won't be long when he's begging to come back to me" she added sitting down in the middle of the classroom.

I couldn't help but feel my phone buzz a couple of times, who was spamming my phone and whoever it was is going to get me into trouble, "Since we have a new student with us let's get to know him" our teacher said giving me the sign to get up and speak to everyone.

I slowly stood up as I was about to speak I could already hear whispering from the group of girls, it was really annoying that almost every school has a group like those, "I'm Ty and I moved here from the south" I responded "tell us something about yourself Ty" I was staring at the flour by now thinking "I like music" I responded.

"I bet its emo and dark music" the girl who spoke before giggled out, I stared up at her and did one of my stares that scared Tyler whenever he annoyed me, "Tyler please sit down" the teacher said turning to her computer as I slowly sat back down.

I pulled out my phone to see Tyler was the one who spammed me, I should of knew... 

Tyler: hey Ty I'm skipping English so I'm bored so is it cool if I text you?

Tyler: Tyyy if your making friends tell me if they're hot!

Tyler: send me some pictures as well! ;)

I looked up at the teacher to see her typing something on her computer while speaking to the class, I smiled at I turn my eyes to my screen.

Ty: in class right now and don't worry I'm not planning to make any friends here :3

"Ty is that your phone?" my heart stopped as I was scared to move...

(Adam Pov)

I kept writing whatever she told us, "so this is how you should do your times" she said still typing on her computer, I couldn't help but take a peek behind me to see Ty was on his phone with a small smile, it was a nice smile really.

I soon saw the teacher walking past me and slowly to Ty, he's having a bad time kinda feel bad for him. "Ty is that your phone?" she asked waiting for Ty to look up to her, he slowly looked up with a blank face, "yea? What else can it be?" he responded making most of the class turn to watch while giggling.

"would you turn it off and put it away?" the teacher requested I could see she was about to lose it, "not really but I guess I don't have a choose do I?" Ty said back with a small grin. I was shocked was he just another trouble maker?

"Ty go to the principal!" she shouted angry, the whole classroom was shocked by now at the way Ty was acting, "sure but I didn't do anything but speak my mind" Ty said getting up and walking to the door.

is this kid asking to be kicked out already because he's doing a great job at it!

Ty left the door before she could replied, I stared at the door for awhile waiting for the teacher to go back to telling us what to do next.

"Do he even know where he's going?" Kim asked as she giggled "Adam go after him and show him the way" she told me. I nodded my head running after him, as soon I left the classroom I could see him from down the hall on his stupid phone again.

"Hey slow down!" I called rushing down to him, he turned around as he gave me a blank face, "can I help you?" he asked as if I was lost. I stared at him still shocked "You don't know where you're going" I responded "so that means I can skip being told off?" he answer back annoyed

I was slowly getting angry at this kid, did he think he could just act tough and not worry about getting any trouble? I could tell we were not going to get along at all if he keeps acting like this!

"are you just a bad kid or something?" I asked crossing my arms, he stared at me for a moment thinking, I felt like he didn't want to say yes but he didn't want to say no, I could hear his phone buzz making him take it out

"I guess I am" he said turning around and walking away, I watched as he left the school closing the doors behind him. To think I was feeling bad for this person! He's a jerk!

I walked back to my class nodding at the teacher while sitting down lying about taking that jerk to the principal, I had no time to waste my time on somebody who's just going to be horrible while I was just trying to be nice to him.

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