Chapter 1

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A modern world where Kings and Queens still rule. And let's definitely not to forget about their offsprings, future heirs to the thrones, all flawlessly perfect in every little way.

King and Queen Jeon ruled the beautiful city of Busan. The very same place where both you and your parents grew up at.

You're currently on your way to the bathroom, crossing hallway after hallway, also internally scolding yourself for not asking where it was.

You've been going in circles this whole time.
You don't even know if you're able to hold it in anymore.

The Palace was just so huge!

Yes, you're in the Palace. The very place where The Royal Family resided.

Where are you bathroom?

You weren't trespassing or anything, you basically got dragged here by your mother, since she was surprisingly the best friend of the Queen herself.

Kind-Hearted, Wise and everything that makes man perfect.
Those were the words to describe the King and Queen. Although they were royalty, they weren't the kind to brag about it, and wear some stuck-up big puffy red robes and such.

You'd almost think they were just normal people running a family business. Or so you've heard.

This was your second time in the palace, both being dragged by your mom.

So its normal if you're still not familiar with the surroundings. Not that you'll ever be familiar with it.

As you were on the verge to cry your little 10 year old eyes out, this isn't a joke. You're really desperate to do your 'business'.

A spark of hope lits up your body when happening to spot one of the palace's workers crossing the hallway.

Just as you were about to approach her and ask for directions.
Quick little splattering of feets,as if someone was running, made its way up to your ears, soon followed by a loud echo of hard crying and sobbing.


Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now