Chapter 49

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"It'll only be for two years Kookie." The Queen assures, her brows knitted worriedly as she continues to observe her son's behavior.

Jungkook continues to pace around his room, an unpleasant feeling churning his insides as beads of sweat continues to form the portion of his forhead.

He's nervous, overwhelmed, but mostly scared. It hasn't been a month yet since he was allowed to see you again, and yet here he was. He hasn't even stepped up his game on winning your heart and then out of the blues. He receives this life-changing news.

The latter knew that this was something he couldn't get away from no matter how hard he'd try. It'll never work. This was something he had to do. He was the Prince after all, and this is his responsibility, but still.


What will happen to her then? What will happen to the two of them?

What if the chances to be with her completely vanishes into thin air when he finally accomplishes this?

He can't let that happen. He's loved her far too long to let her slip away from his hand just like that. He's waited this long and he can't allow her to go just like that. Not when he's already got her exactly where he wanted.

He continues to think for anyway out, but the results always end up the same. There's nothing he can do as of right now, and that breaks him. He knew something like this would eventually happen some point in his life, but he never thought it'd come this early. Growing up, both his parents used to tell him stories about this but he'd never pay that much attention to it.

He sighs defeatedly, the corners of his eyes glistering with unshed tears as he faces his mom, arms weakly dropping to his sides.

"Kookie." The Queen faintly calls out before rushing over to engulf him into a warm hug. Jungkook returns the hug, allowing his tears to trickle down the sun-kissed skin of his cheek as the Queen decides to sooth him out with her soft caress and reassuring words.

"It'll be okey Kookie." She states softly, considerate of her precious son's current feelings. She's quite aware of the mixed emotions swirling Jungkook's heart right now. She knows how much he wants to escape this situation.

Jungkook clenches his fist tightly as he allows more tears to stream down his cheeks. This was pure torture for the Queen. She never liked seeing her son cry, but she can't even imagine what he was going through right now. The sudden news was both shocking and heartbreaking to say the least. Even she was surprised when hearing it from her husband.

After a few minutes or so, Jungkook finally calms down a bit, but his heart still aches with an unbearable pain.

Sniffing, he draws back and the Queen sends him a warm smile as she wipes away his remaining tears, his doe eyes sadly looking at her.

"Can I stay with her tonight?" He asks, his voice coming out hoarse and groggily from all the crying. The Queen nods to his request.


The doorbell continually rings and you instantly hop up from the couch to attend whoever was disturbing your movie marathon this late at night.

"I'm coming!"

You yell as you stumble your way towards the front door. After a few clicks here and there, you swing the door open with one swift motion. The cold night breeze brushes your skin, and your eyes widens in surprise at the person standing in front of you.

"Kook, What are you doing here?" You question, clearly surprised to see him at your post this late at the evening. The latter shoots you his all time famous bunny smile and you can't help but adore his cute face.

"Can't I visit my favorite girl?" He teases, and you playfully roll your eyes at that before you notice something in both his grasps. "What's inside those plastic bags?"

"I'll tell you if you let me come in first. It's freezing out here Noona."He huffs cutely, and you immediately welcome him in, internally scolding yourself for not realizing it sooner.

As he places the bags on top of the coffe table you can't help but tilt your head a bit to get a better view of his face. You knit your brows, confusion swirling your eyes as you try to see pass his dark locks. "Were you crying?" You question softly.

Despite his hair covering most portions of his eyes, you're still able to call out the dark bags and not to mention the faint redness in his eyes. For sure he just came from crying.

Its silent for a while, the deafening tension engulfing the room as you notice Jungkook halt for a moment.

He chuckles raspily, before shaking his head dissagreeing. "Of course not Noona. What's there to cry about when you're here with me?"

Despite the somewhat confident reply, you still manage to spot that hint of weaver in his tone of voice. Also, he was being more flirtatious than usual.

"Are you sure kook?" You ask again. Jungkook could tell that you were worried and he smiles thankfully at that.

He nods. "Yup." He chimes before plopping himself on the couch. "Wha~....Noona!"

He calls out almost childishly with a giggle and you hum in responds. "Yes Kookie?" He pouts cutely. "Cuddle with me."

You're still suspicious about his behavior, but you obliged with his request anyway. With a huff, you plop yourself beside him, before shooting him a questioning smile. "There. Happy?" He nods aggressively earning an amuse chuckle from you.

The latter snakes his arms around your waist, and pulls you closer to him before burying his face on the crook of your neck. He exhales pleasingly.

"I want to fall asleep in your arms tonight Noona."

He groggily states as he scoots closer to you. You smile weakly at that as your fingers travels up to caress his dark locks. "Your backs gonna ach-"

"Only for tonight." He insists, and you find yourself sighing in defeat. No point in arguing with him right now considering he looked really tired to begin with.

You feel his lips coiling into a smile before he presses it softly against your skin. "Good night Noona... I love you."

You hum. "Love you too Kook."


The sun marvelously beams its shimmering hues on the earth from behind our cloud filled sky as the gentle breeze continues to brush itself against everyone's skin, creating that pleasant feeling to one's body.

No doubt was today a perfect day!

"What do you mean he's not in Korea?!"

Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now