Chapter 36

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"No mom. I'm completely fine." With a phone pressed against his ear, eyes norrowed towards the TV screen in front, he replies to the caller.

"What do you mean you're fine?! You're inside a hospital! You're not fine! You know what? Were coming right now. I'll get your father to bring us back there an-"

"Mom don't bother, and I mean it." Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth before ending the call, tossing his phone aside right after.

His parents were currently in Deagu, visiting The Mins. Usually, both he and Jihyun would accompany them there, but this time, the two decided to stay behind.

"You shouldn't talk to them like that." Jihyun perks up, eyes glue to his phone, sending the message directly to his friend who was now getting up on both his feet. The latter ignores his friend's words, slowly making his way towards the door. "I'll be right back."


Clutching unto a clipboard in one arm, you crease out a wrinkle from your coat as you tun your heel, ready to take a left turn. A yelp absentmindedly slips your tongue as you felt your heart jump out of its place. Your body just collided with a hard wall. Scratch that. It wasn't a wall. It was a chest. A hard chest. And judging by the cologne radiating off from the person its scent springing up your nose, you already knew who it was.

The latter releases a raspy chuckle as he snakes an arm around your waist in attempt to steady your balance. You jerk back, eyes immediately scanning the area for any signs of humans. When spotting one, you immediately shove the clipboard towards Jungkook's face. "Quick hide your face!" You hiss, turning him around before starting to push him towards a more secluded place. In this case. Your office.

The hospital - preferably Namjoon - decided it was best to keep it from the public that the Prince was present in such place.
Not really his decision in all honesty. After being so suspicious unto why he was stuttering so hard when telling you, Jin and Mira - the only one's who knew about his highness condition- about keeping it as low as possible.
You made, more like forced, Jin get the real truth behind it, considering how close he looked with the chief, you guessed he wouldn't mind.
And the reason why not exposing Jungkook's condition and location bothered you a lot was because. If it was announced that a Prince had used this hospital, surely it'll bring a lot of reporters, and that, boosting the popularity of the building.
So yeah. It'll mean the hospital would automatically be on everyone's lists if needed, and despite the exhaustion that'll seep through the Doctor's, nurses and stuffs. It'll all be worth it. Why? Cause it meant everyone would get a raise in salary.

Turns out. The Queen had called the hospital a while ago saying they need to keep the Prince's current condition, private. If not. Then the building would be demolished without a word.
And of course. You couldn't let that happen. Neither did Dr Kim.

Taking a last turn, a sigh then escapes you once you've managed to reach your destination without getting notice by anyone. You were able to draw attention from a few of the people, some of them even whispering to each unto why the male you were pushing, looked oddly familiar, despite the lower portion of his face being hidden by the clipboard, preventing on displaying his whole glorious profile.

Once inside, Jungkook automatically takes in his surroundings. To his left was a dark desk sitting at the corner, behind it, was a wall-shelf with several books tucked in, and to his right, he's able to spot a mini fridge resting beside an L-shaped brown couch.

"Is this your office Noona?" He asks, slowly turning, his gaze traveling through very details plastering your walls, before completely facing you. You were already halfway through shutting the door, a click of a lock soon following afterwards. The latter secretly smirks under his breath before brushing it away completely, now displaying his puppy dog eyes, his lips pursed forward as you now turn to face him.

You hum to his previous question, eyes traveling around your office before locking gazes with him. Your arms drop completely to your side as you took in his expression, immediately rushing to him. "Kook what's wrong?" Worry was visible in your voice and he knew.

He purses his lips even foreword, taking a tiny baby step towards you, his head hung low, before pointing towards his arm, The casted one to be precise. "It hurts Noona."

You blinked.

That was it? And here you thought he was hurt for real this time. You're honestly this close to smacking him in the head for lying about his injury in the first place, and scaring you right now.

But you couldn't get angry. Not when he had those large sparkly puppy eyes in display, and not to mention that cute pout decorating those glossy pink lips of his.

This was probably an excuse so that he could come and see you.
Giggling slightly, you decided to play along with his game. Slowly, you grabbed his hand, pulling him along with you before gesturing him to sit on the couch.

"Noona will be right back okey?" You speak softly, ruffling his hair before leaving the office to go get something for him. Since he wasn't really - let's not forget - hurt in any major way, food was probably the best solution for this situation.

And if you're able to remember correctly. He hasn't eaten lunch yet. Jihyun did call you a while ago claiming that he and Jungkook don't eat hospital foods. When you ask him the why. He simply answers with a. "How do I know they're not giving me a human?" You didn't argue with that, secretly agreeing with him since you also thought the same way.


She curses under her breath as she makes her way towards that one specific room on the top floor. How on earth did she find herself in this situation? In a situation where she had to lie to her Sunbae about the all known Prince of Busan's, condition. Of course she knew who he was, together with that person she had bumped into. Everyone does. She never really like those kids for some reason. But if someone were to ask her why? Her answer would always be the same.

"They're too spoiled. I don't know what you guys see in them really."

Since the cast she's put on him was just for show, the least she could do- or from what her chief had ordered her to do - was to give him a check-up. As in to draw some blood just be sure Busan would have a healthy King in the near time future.

She slightly shakes her head in attempt to brush away her inner thoughts, huffing her cheeks before fastening her pace, pushing the stroller as she goes on.

"I'll be doing a quick che-" The moment she lifts her gaze to where the patient was suppose to be in, she freezes. Never has she thought she'd see something like this. Ever. The view was to overwhelming she could literally feel beads of sweat forming the portion of her forehead.

When reality strikes her hard, she finally takes action. And that was to cover her eyes and scream her lungs out.


Noona, I Hate You! •Jeon Jungkook Royal AU • ✅Where stories live. Discover now